Chapter 2

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Kingdom of Vale. 7 am in the morning.

(Narrator): The next morning, the Atlesian Princes and their envoys boarded their ship to sail for Atlas. But amongst the cargo that was stored in the ships hull, Whitley snuck Pyrrha into the ship, wearing a gray cloak. Unknown to the young Atlesian Prince, the fisherman at the dock noticed the Queen leaving with the Atlesians.

3rd person POV.

The sun rose high up in the skies as the Atlesian ship sailed away from Vale. The winds blew the ship towards Atlas, with the crew all sitting around, enjoying the bright sun and gentle breeze. Y/N was at the front of the ship, carving a stone into a little lion statue.

The lion was for his little girl who awaited his return to Atlas. 'This will be a perfect gift for D/N', Y/N thought, as he continued to carve and shape the stone, while occasionally taking the time to blow away the dust that formed from his carving.

Whitley walked to the front of the ship, looking out at the blue ocean, "A beautiful morning! Poseidon has blessed our voyage," Whitley said. Y/N smiled at his brother's joyous attitude before talking, "Sometimes the Gods bless you in the morning and curse you in the afternoon." Y/N told Whitley as he went back to carving the stone toy for his daughter.

Whitley looked down for a moment then spoke, "Do you love me, Y/N?" He asked his older sibling. This caused Y/N to look up from his carving work, "Would you protect me against any enemy?" Whitley continued.

Y/N looked into his brother's eyes, as he was all to familiar with this type of talk from his brother, "The last time you spoke to me like this, you were ten years old and you'd just stolen mother's horse." Y/N said, causing the two of them to smile, "What have you done, now?" Y/N continued, with his smile fading away.

Whitley looked up as Y/N again, this time with a more serious expression, "I must show you something," he said before walking over to the door that lead down to the ship's cargo hold, pulling it open and stepped down the stairway. Y/N followed after him, wondering exactly what Whitley had done this time.

When Y/N reached the bottom of the stairs, he turned around to see a cloaked figure standing next to Whitley. The figure pulled the hood down, showing herself to be none other than the Queen to King Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos.

Whitley's expression showed one of guilt and concern, while Y/N looked at his brother, with his face saying the words for him. 'What have you done?'

Meanwhile, over in Jaune's palace, the Valaian King stormed into his wife's room, an angered look on his face. A women was sitting at Pyrrha's table, fiddling with something before dropping it and turning around to see her King.

Jaune immediately grabbed the woman in place of his Queen, giving her a look of rage, "Where is she!?" The angered King demanded to know. "Who, my King?" The woman asked, looking terrified at the Valaian King. Her response caused Jaune to draw a knife.

"I swear by the love of the Gods, I will gut here if you don't tell me!!!" The raging King demanded once more, scaring the woman even more, "My King!" Spoke one of Jaune's advisers, earning his attention. "She left...with the Atlesians." The adviser said, bitterly.

Jaune's face showed one of disbelief, "The fisherman here, saw her board their ship." The adviser said, reassuringly. "The Atlesians?" Jaune asked, despairingly, "The young Prince, Whitley, she"- the fisherman spoke but stopped when his King waved his hand in a dismissing manner.

But soon his expression changed to one of an iron glare, "Get my ship ready. We sail for Menagerie!" He declared, then left his wife's room.

Back with Y/N and Whitley, Y/N was furious with his brother. "Turns us around, Back to Vale!" He told the captain, with the captain in turn ordering the crew to hang the sail. Whitley however, wasn't wishing to return his new lover.

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