Chapter 7

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(Narrator): The next morning, the Menagerian army began it march to the city of Atlas, confidence sweeping over them that they would easily sweep the Atlesian army aside, with the rest of Atlas rip for their taking. All, save one, had this in their minds. Adam Taurus and his soldiers stayed at camp, with Adam not willing to fight with Ghira taking Weiss from him.

3rd person POV.

As the soldiers of King Ghira began to march, Adam was sitting in his tent, drinking while rage filled his heart. Mercury entered the tent with Sienna, "My lord. The army is marching. Are we not to join them?" Mercury asked.

"We wait." Adam answered as he drank from his cup, his angry expression never wavering, "But my lord"- Mercury began before Adam interrupted, "We wait till Ghira Belladonna groans to have Adam Taurus back!" Adam growled.

Mercury simply accepted the orders of his lord, knowing it would be pointless to challenge his orders. Mercury left as Adam threw some of the water he was drinking into a fire pit in his tent. Sienna just stood there, silent, awaiting her cousins next action.

"Are you ready to fight? Are you ready to kill? To take life?" Adam asked her. "I am." Sienna stated. "Well, then I guess you'll be disappointed that we won't be going to battle, then." Adam said, not bothering to look over at his cousin.

Sienna was disappointed, but she didn't show her disappointment on her face, "And what about our fellow soldiers? Are we just going to let them have all the glory?" She asked. Adam scoffed, "No. Because if they attack, they'll all die, because Ghira won't accept a defeat even when it's clear he won't win," he said.

"Bit soldiers obey, right? We follow our orders and listen to our commanders," Sienna stated. But Adam didn't think much of his cousin's words, "Sienna. Don't was your time listening to some fool's orders. You'll end up wasting your life at the same time, until you are broken down, and unable to wage war." Adam said, grimly.

"That won't matter, cousin. Because I fight for you." Sienna told Adam, "Who will you fight for when I'm gone, Sienna? Can't fight for Ghira because he'll be dead before me. So who will you fight for when I'm dead?" Adam asked his cousin.

Sienna didn't know how to responded to her cousin, as she hadn't figured that part of her life out. "I don't know, yet. I may just be what you are now. A great warrior that fights for no flag," Sienna sighed in defeat.

"Don't worry about that, Sienna. You aren't bound to my choice of fighting only for myself. You will find soldiers of your own, you will lead them into battle, and they will fight and die for you. And you would fight and die for any of them." Adam said, cheering Sienna up a little.

"Now go! Mercury and the others are going to watch the battle! If you want to see some form of combat, you should go with them." Adam stated as he laid back in his seat. Sienna stood at the entrance of Adam's tent for a moment, looking at her cousin. Adam looked back at her, waving his arm in a suggesting manner for her to leave, which she did, shortly after.

At the gates of Atlas, the Atlesian Army of nearly 25,000 soldiers had assembled at the front gates, and more than 5,000 archers at the top of the walls, with Y/N, Whitley, and General Ironwood at the head of the army.

Willow, Winter, and Pyrrha, along with the other royal-blooded people, watched from the walls as the army stood it's ground, awaiting the 500,000 warriors of King Ghira's army.

Pyrrha was looking out from the walls, her heart worried sick for Whitley. Y/N and Whitley were at the front of their army, with Ironwood and May Marigold off to their left, as they all looked out to the beach.

Y/N took a glance at his brother before he spoke. "You sure you want to do this, Whitley?" Y/N asked, "I started this war." Whitley said in a admitting tone, the glanced up at Pyrrha on the wall.

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