Chapter 1

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Kingdom of Vale. Palace of King Jaune and Queen Pyrrha.

(Narrator): While King Ghira was busy wrestling for control over the last Menagerian Kingdom, King Jaune Arc, his brother, had invited the two Princes of Atlas, and the two sons of Queen Willow to a peace treaty between Vale and Atlas. The two Atlesian Princes were, Prince Whitley Schnee, and Prince Y/N Schnee.

The two young men were sent by their mother to make peace with King Jaune. But the young Prince Whitley had his eyes on something far more beautiful than peace with Vale.

3rd person POV

The palace of King Jaune and his Queen, was burgeoning with noise and music. The peace emissaries from Atlas where feasting with the Valaian King and Queen. Y/N, while enjoying his food, was thinking more of home then the party. He was awaited by his beautiful wife and sister, Princess Winter Schnee, along with their adorable new born baby girl. D/N Schnee.

Y/N's brother, Whitley had similar thoughts of home, but his mind was more focused on the spartan beauty. Queen Pyrrha. Whitley couldn't describe the feeling he had for the red-headed Queen, other than he was in love.

He and Pyrrha had experienced many affairs during the Atlesian visit to Vale, much to the unknowing of both the King, and his own brother. As the two brothers ate, drank, told tales of home, and simply forgot about time.

Soon, a loud banging noise caught everyone's attention. It was King Jaune beating against the table. "Princes of Atlas! On our last night together, Queen Pyrrha and I salute you." Jaune spoke, with a loud cheer irrupting from the other diplomats.

"We've had our conflicts before, it's true. We've fought many conflicts, Vale and Atlas. And fought well!" Jaune boasted as another cheer followed. "An I've always respected your mother. Willow is a good Queen. A good woman. I respected her as an adversary, I now respect her as my allie!" The King continued, with another cheer after.

"Y/N. Whitley, young Princes. Come stand. Drink with me," Jaune said as the two Atlas Princes stood up from their seats, holding a cup of wine in their hands. "Let us drink to peace," the Valaian King said, softly.

"To peace. Between Atlas and Vale." Y/N toasted, earning a cheer from his companions. King Jaune nodded his head before speaking. "My the Gods keep the wolves in the hills, and the women in our beds!!!" He hollered, as the rest of the guests joined him with his celebration. Although he failed to notice Whitley and Pyrrha giving each other stares.

Soon, the hall was flooded with dancers and music, as the Atlesians and Valaians shared kinship with one another. Jaune was dancing along with one of the women before meeting Y/N in the crowd. Laughing, the King and Prince embraced one another, "To the Gods!" "To the Gods." Both men said as they pour some of their wine onto the stone floor.

But while the two royal men drank and celebrated together, Pyrrha left the celebration to go to her room. Whitley was talking with someone close by when he noticed her going to her room, so he left the party and followed her to her room.

Y/N noticed his younger brother go up the stairs to the Queen's room, but didn't think much of it at the moment, "Huh. Don't worry Y/N. Tomorrow, you'll be sailing home to Atlas, and to your wife. Hang in there." Y/N said to himself as he rejoined the celebration.

Pyrrha was sitting at a table, taking her jewelry off, then heard the door to her room open. She looked back and saw Whitley close the door behind him and lock it. "You shouldn't be here." She told the young Prince as she turned back around, brushing some of her hair.

"That's what you said last night," Whitley said to the Queen, "Last night was a mistake." She answered, but Whitley didn't leave. "And the night before?" The Prince asked, "I've made many mistakes this week." The Valaian Queen said.

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