Chapter 6

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3rd person POV.

Adam looked out on the beach as the rest of the Menagerian army disembarked onto the beach, before turning his attention to Y/N, who still had his sword pointed at the great warrior, before he spoke.

"Why did you come here?" The Prince asked, with Adam smirking, "They'll be talking about this war 1,000 years from now," Adam said, with a look of uneasiness resting in Y/N's face.

"In 1,000 years, the dust from our bones will be gone." Y/N said, not fully understanding what his enemy was trying to get across. "Yes, Prince. But our names will remain." Adam responded, before Mercury and the rest of the Myrmidons came out of the temple and surrounded Y/N, forcing him closer to the edge of a cliff.

But Adam didn't give his soldiers the order to kill the Prince, "Go home, Prince. Drink some wine, make love to your wife. Tomorrow, we'll have our war." Adam declared, willing to let the Atlesian Prince leave peacefully. But Y/N took a step closer to Adam, with a look of anger on his face.

"You speak of war as if it's nothing more than a game. But how many people wait at Atlas's gates for husbands and wives they'll never see again?!" Y/N growled, getting a cheeky response in return.

"Perhaps your brother could comfort the widows. I've heard he's very skilled in charming other men's wives. As for the widowers...well, I'm afraid they'll just have to accept the reality of it." Adam finished with a smile, while Y/N's expression never changing.

Eventually, Adam gave Y/N the cue to leave, which the warrior Prince heeded this time, as he walked passed Adam's soldiers and back down to his horse. Mercury had a look of confusion from his lords choice to let Y/N leave. "My lord, you let him go?" He asked Adam as his sword rested on his shoulder.

"It's too early in the day for killing Princes, Mercury." Adam answered as he watched Y/N mount his horse and gallop away from the beach. Adam then climbed to the top of the temple, watching as the army began repurposing the defenses that the Atlesians had left behind. He raised his sword into the air, with the soldiers down below cheering as they started chanting his name again.

Ghira, Kali, and Jaune looked to see Adam at the top of the temple, before dismissing him. Adam stayed in the position for a good moment longer, before he made his way down to his ship, where his tent was already built.

"Adam!" Came the voice of Nora Valkyrie, "Nora." Adam responded to the massive women while handing his shield off to one of his soldiers, "Your as fearless as the Gods. I'm honored to go to war with you." Nora said, complimenting the warlord. "As am I." Adam said as he and Nora locked arms together for a short moment, with Nora walking away afterwards.

"If you sailed any slower, this war would be over." Adam said as Blake started walking past him. "I don't mind missing the long as I'm hear at the end!" Blake said, getting a laugh out of both friends.

"My lord." Came the voice of Mercury as he walked over to Adam. "I've got something to show you." He told Adam was Sienna and Adam embraced one another, while the rest of Adam's troops began unloading their ship.

Adam and Mercury went into Adam's tent, revealing a priestess tied up to the beam support. "Some of our men found her hiding in the temple. I'd thought she'd um...amuse you, in some way." Mercury said while looking at the priestess before leaving.

Adam took a drink of water, then started removing his armor. "What's your name?" The might warrior asked to the girl while he began cleaning the blood and sweat from his body. The priestess didn't respond, which agitated Adam a little.

"Did you not hear me?" He asked again as he removed the greaves from his legs. "You killed Apollo's priests." She said, accusing Adam, "I've killed men and women in five different countries, never a priest." He responded.

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