Chapter 11

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(Narrator): As the sun rose higher into the sky, today would be the day that two great warriors would clash with one another. One was eager to avenge his cousin, and the other was eager to drive off the Menagerian forces from the Atlas beach.

3rd person POV.

Y/N was seen armoring up for battle in a very calm manner, while in the Menagerian camp, Adam was more aggressive with his equipment. The great warlord wanted the blood of the Atlas Prince to stain his blade, and cared little about how he would go about spilling it.

Adam donned his helmet before leaving his tent with his shield. Y/N grabbed his helmet and shield, before taking a glance at his wife and daughter, then left to face his greatest challenge. Though as he left, Winter had woken up to see her husband leave, armored for battle. Y/N had been acting strange as of late.

And by that, Y/N had been acting like his death was upon him, especially after he killed Sienna. Winter stood up and got dressed before taking D/N and following her husband. Back on the beach, one of Adam's Myrmidons brought out a chariot for the warlord. When he mounted the chariot, Mercury followed that action, thinking that Adam would need him at his side in case Adan was killed.

But Adam wasn't going to die. At least that's what his mind thought, "No. I'm going alone, Mercury." The mighty warrior stated, causing Mercury to climb off the chariot. Weiss was crying for Adam not to go, but Adam had not interest in listening to her words, "Adam please! Y/N is my brother! He's a good man, please don't fight him, please!" Weiss begged.

But Adam in his stubborn natural, simply asked for some rope before urging the horses that pulled his chariot to move forward. At the gates of Atlas, Y/N and his family, along with other royal bloods awaited the mighty Adam Taurus.

As Adam's chariot rolled to the front of the gate, several archers drew back their arrows to shoot, but Y/N ordered them to stand down as he watched Adam's chariot come to a stop. Adam stepped down from his chariot, with a small silence greeting the air, before Adam shouted, "Y/N!!!"

Adam called out for Y/N a further two times, awaiting his enemy to come down and face him. Y/N knew it was time, and knelt down before Willow as Adam continued calling his name. "Mother. Forgive me for any offenses. I've served you as best as I could," Y/N said to his mother as Adam called for Y/N again.

Willow leaned forward, giving her son a kiss on his head, "May the Gods be with, my child," she said, sounding heartbroken that she might have to endure the sight of her son's death. Y/N bowed his head to his mother before standing, "Y/N!" Willow said, grabbing her son's arm and his attention, "No mother ever had a better son!" The Queen wept before she and her son shared a hug.

Y/N let go of his mother, then moved to Ironwood, "Apollo guard you, my Prince." He said to his friend. Y/N and him locked hands together for a moment, before Y/N moved on to Whitley. Whitley was feeling guilty about what was to come for his brother, "Y/N. Your the best man I've ever known." The young Prince stated to his brother.

The two brothers embraced one another before Y/N spoke, "Your a Prince of Atlas. I know you'll make me proud." Y/N said, then gave his brother a kiss on his head. Y/N left from the main walls, and found his daughter and wife waiting for him.

He walked up to them, feeling like this would be the last time he'd see them. "Remember what I told you?" Y/N asked Winter. "Y-yes," Winter said, a weeping feeling tainting her voice. "Please don't go!" She whined.

But Y/N knew he had to, "Winter. Don't try and keep me from leaving. I must fight. Not just for this city, not just for my family, and not just for my countrymen. But I also must fight for you." Y/N told her.

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