Chapter 10

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(Narrator): As the night wore on, peace had graced the beaches of Atlas, with many Menagerian soldiers sleeping away their exhaustion from their defeat they suffered at the gates of Atlas. But unknown to these soldiers, fiery death would rain down upon them, followed by the clashing of steel and blood.

3rd person POV.

Adam and Weiss laid together in Adam's tent, sleeping away their exhausting love session. But Adam suddenly awoke, feeling a disturbance in the air. But rather than think of it, he just fell back asleep with Weiss in his arms.

Some of the guards felt a disturbing feeling as well, but were unsure of what it was. And unknown to these soldiers, a small group of Atlesians had appeared on the small ridge in front of the camp. Each one was holding a rope, that was tied to something, and knelt down as they took up position.

Fire arrows, suddenly began falling out of the sky, and landing on the ground. One of the guards saw the fire arrows flying down from the sky, and signaled to raise the alarm. Another guard grabbed a trumpet, and blow into it, waking the Menagerian camp of its soldiers.

The soldier's grabbed their armor and weapons before they rushed to the barricades to meet the attackers. They archers formed up in front, with ranks of spearmen behind them. The darkness of the night still made visibility a challenging aspect.

So the Menagerians could only wait. On the high, the arrows stopped flying, and the Atlesian soldiers at the top of the hill pulled on the ropes they held, and giant balls of hay started rolling forward. When the large balls touched the fire arrows, they caught on fire.

The soldiers behind the barricades started backing up, slightly as the flaming balls rolled closer to them. When the balls struck home, the barricades did little to stop them, and they cut through the ranks of soldiers, catching many of them on fire.

The flaming hay balls continued rolling into the camp, catching tents and ships on fire. Y/N was standing off to the side as his soldiers continued rolling the flaming balls of hay into the Menagerian army. Screams of agony reverberated from the camp as soldiers got set ablaze from the fire.

Even with all this noise, Adam and Weiss never awoke from their slumber. But unknown to Adam, someone had snuck into his tent and stole away his armor and weapons, "I'm going to fight, Adam. These are our brothers and sisters of the sword, and I won't let them be put to slaughter!" The person growled before they turned and left the mighty warlords tent.

As the sun began to rise, Y/N, Ironwood, and May, stood before the Menagerian camp, before Y/N bashed his spear against his shield, with his face holding a angry and determined look. 'I'm coming for you, Adam! I will avenge Robyn!' Y/N thought to himself as he continued bashing his spear on his shield, with May and Ironwood mimicking his action.

Soon, a vast army of 150,000 fighting men and women unmerged from the sandy slops. Blake joined with her soldiers to see the unbelievable sit of the entire Atlesian army, in all of it's might. "Hold those barricades!" Ghira order to some of his soldiers.

Soon, the rest of the Atlesian army caught up with Y/N and his companions, with all of them beating their spears against their shield while chanting. Their force stretched out as far as the eyes could see, "Archers to the rear." Y/N ordered, with May rushing off to carry out his command.

Blake felt hopeless from seeing the massive Atlesian force, getting the sense that this would be the last of the invasion force to be sweeper away from Atlas' shores. But soon, her despair was replaced with relief when her soldiers began chanting, and discovered way.

She saw 'Adam' and his Myrmidons rushing up the beach, all of them armored for battle. "Adam," she said as the other soldiers cheered for 'Adam' as he rushed up the beach. On the other side of the field, Y/N noticed 'Adam' rushing to the barricades, "Adam!" He growled to himself. 'Adam' raised his spear, and ordered the rest of the Menagerian army to charge, with the Menagerian soldiers following after him when he rushed forward.

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