Trial part 1

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Your pov
"Good move. I'll take responsibility for them." Captain Levi stated. "Let the higher ups know what's going on, not that I trust them, it's a matter of me trusting myself. Kill them if I have too."
"Just hang here a little longer. Commander Erwin told us as they left.
"Eren?" I whispered.
"What do you thinks going to happen?"
"I don't know but I promise I won't let anything happen to you."
Even though we were in chains we could still reach eachother. I intwined my fingers with his.
"I promise not to let anything happen to you either."
"No matter what happens know that I love you and I always will." Eren whispered laying his forehead aginst mine.
"I love you too "I replied.
"Awwwww look at how cute you guys are."
Eren and I turned to see a woman with glasses(or whatever they are). "Guess what you two finally get to get out." I just stared at her. I mean there not just going to let us out without a catch. "You'll have to put these on for me okay." She said holding handcuffs through the bars.
~~~~~~( time skip)~~~~~~~
We've been walking down these halls and I still don't know where we're at. Hanjis been talking about something I'm not paying attention to.
"Oh pooh,well I guess it's better that I don't explain anything." I herd Hanji snapping out of my thoughts.
"Well good luck."she said pushing us through the doors.
"Wa-" I was pushed into ...a courthouse?
We've been under a courthouse the whole time.
"Get moving!" one of the military police said pushing me and Eren. We were ordered to get on our knees as they chained us to poles so we couldn't move.
The premier was saying something about whichever regement got custody of us basically decides our fate. He also brought up how Eren and Mika killed some Guys When they were little then...
"Eren Jeager it says her that while in titan form you tried to kill Mikasa Ackerman and (y/n) (l/n).
Not wanting to look Eren in the eyes I hide behind my bangs.
Sorry if you don't have bangs. I'm also sorry this update took a while. I've been busy with school and other things.

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