57th expidition part 2

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Armin's pov
Reiner was wrapping my head. When all I could think about was the Female Titan. Why didn't she kill me? Why does she look oddly familiar?
" Armin you with me?" I herd Reiner, snapping back into reality.
"Guess your heads still hurts, you alright?"
"I'm fine, don't worry."
"We're going to have to leave someone since we don't have enough horses and we need to decide who."
"Wait shouldn't we at least fire a smoke signal someone could be near by."
We fired the emergency signal. Not to long after Krista showed up with 2 extra horses. We were on are way back to the formation desccusing the Titan when we saw green smoke.
"Looks like we're changing corse.
Your Pov (yay)
Green smoke.
"Pass it on I hear the captain tell oulo." (I don't think I spelled that right) He passes it on to the group beside us and so on. Eren looks like he's thinking. For some reason I feel like something's wrong.
"Sir the right wing has been wiped out you need to relay this message down the line." Another soldier come in.
What? I look at Eren he has the same expression he must of had the same gut feeling. But then I see terror spread. Wait isn't Armin positioned there?
"Hey..." I say getting Erens attention. He glances at me then looks forward again to let me know he's listening. "I'm sure he's fine."
Just then black smoke could be seen flying across the sky.
"An abnormal."
"Eren Fire the signal." Captain Levi orders.
"Yes sir " Eren fires the black smoke signal.
That's close, a little to close, to think just under that smoke someone's fighting.
Armin's Pov
"Are far are they ganna let us stray off course." Jean complains as we make our way around the Forrest.
"I'm sure the commander has something in mind." I say.
" yeah..., maybe he's finding a nice shady spot to give us all a celebratory picnic. No one in his right mind would make a stop here."
Just then he were given an order to stop.
" All right rookies we've been given orders to find a perch in the trees, any titian trying to get in stop it at all cost"
Jean tried to ask what was going on but was told he had been given an order.
Why is the plan so off track all of a sudden?  Why did he have us here in these trees? I can't make sense of it. What was he thinking? No' that's not the question I should be asking . The real question is if the female Titan is in pursuit of (y/n) and Eren. Does commander Ewrin know? Is that why we're here?

Your Pov
Wait we're in a Forrest. Why?
" captian levi?" Eren asks.
" What?!"
"We're in a Forrest we won't be able to see a Titan till its on top of us. What are we suppose to do?"
He's got a point there if a Titan gets or is in here we're screwed.
" Quit whining and skip over the obvious can't you see there isn't an option."
"What?" I question.
" haven't you noticed what's around you? Take a look at these big ass trees."
I look around. "Perfect environment for ODM gear wouldn't you say. Take my advice you two calm down and use your head your best survival tool is your brain."
"Yes sir !" Me and Eren answer.
He's right we're new at this so things are going to throw us for a loop.
I turn to Eren and notice him looking at oulo mumbling to himself. I turn and look at Petra. She looks confused and...... terrified? Wait!? Are we all in the dark? What the hell is going on?
I look at Eren and him at me relizing everyone is clueless.
Black smoke. Crap! It's right behind us.
"Blades drawn ,be ready, it'll happen in the blink of an eye." Captian Levi orders.
Footsteps grow louder and louder. There's someone up in the trees. I look up at him only to see a skinless hand smash him against a tree. Letting out a gasp I didn't know I was holding.
Closer she's getting closer. I turn to see Eren looking up.
Without thinking I look up only to see blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and a creepy smile looking down at me and Eren.

A/n: hey guys I'm back!! This chapter was a lot shorter then I thought but I like to keep you on your toes!!

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