Stroess Dirstrict Part 5

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Y/n Pov
  I followed Annie to the square where she took her battle stance.
As I stopped to look at her I felt the ground shaking. The vibrations grew as I see Eren's Titan run up from behind. When Annie turned to see her cheek was met with Eren's fist. Annie flew a building stopping her from moving any further. I flinch a little as I notice the people that where crushed by Annie's fall. Eren charges toward her. Annie gays to her feet and begins to run toward the wall. Ooooh no you don't. I start to run after her Eren running behind me. With three titans running the city shook. Annie stopped and turned to face me taking her fighting stance. You want to go? Okay, let's go. I look into her bright blue eyes with my (e/c) ones, taking my fighting stance.
     I swing a hand toward her she crystallizes her elbow. Shit. I hit her elbow breaking my hand. My hand heals quickly as I move down and I grab Annie's leg and throw her into a building. Eren goes after her but she moves and starts to run away. We start to chase her through the city once again.
    This time I'm behind Eren. When Annie turns to fight again. Eren runs toward her when I notice she crystalizes her leg. I let out a shriek as a warning to Eren but by that time Annie's already kicked his leg. Eren keeps going forward though and manages to punch her. Anime kicks Eren again before he can make another move. Her hits seem to be harder. She bashes Eren's head into a building. She shrieks as she hits Eren's head with a crystallized fist over, and over,and over again. Next thing I know I let out a pained scream and everything goes black.
Mikasa's POV
     (Y/n) charges after Annie screaming and tackles her onto the ground. They slide through houses and (Y/n) starts pulling Annie's head by the hair. Not long after Eren joins squeezing Annie's head with his hand, as she lets out a pained high pitched shriek. "We need to help them." I try to leave but Hanji stops me. "Wait...I don't think they are in control it's best to stay out of the way."  I watch as Annie some how gets away and kicks Eren into a building. After she flips (Y/n) and slams her into the ground before she runs to the wall crystallizing her fingers making them sharp. "She's going to go over the wall!" We all head towards them. I can't let her get away. Eren has Annie's leg and he bites it. Annie kicks him off. I shoot up the wall and slice my blades through Annie's fingers to looks at me in shock. I got to the opposite side and slice through her remaining hand. I land on her nose and look down at her. "It's over fall. " I hang from the wall and watch Annie fall to the ground. When she hits the ground (y/n) starts ripping Annie limp from limp. Eren bites into her nape and rips off her Titan skin. As the two titans look at her they hesitate to get her when suddenly a gust of wind hits and a flash of light shines as the three titans start to merge together. When I get down to the ground Annie's is forming a crystal around herself. Captain Levi cuts (Y/n) and Eren out of their titans. Both of them have red markings on their faces and seem to be passed out. I pick up Eren while Armin does the same with (Y/n).
Eren's pov
   I open my eyes slowly feeling tired.
"Mikasa? Where's Annie?" I ask. Mikasa turns to a Giant crystal Jean is hitting with hi blade while screaming. Captain Levi had to stop him. I look at (Y/n) who is still passed out. Her chest slowly falling and rising.
Your pov
     I wake up in a bed seeing Eren next to me. I sit up slowly so I don't wake him.
"Hey." Mikasa says from the other side of me siting on a wooden bench.
" you feel okay?"  She asks.
" fact it's weird how okay I feel."
I feel Eren sit up beside me.
"Is Annie still in that crystal just?"
"Crystal?" I ask.
"Yeah." Mikasa answed.
"You think after everything we've been through fate would cut us a little slack." Jean cuts in while I just sit still confused about this crystal that came up earlier.
"It's humble knowing she'll go that far to keep her secrets." Armin says. He looks up at Eren and I, "Why did you guys let her go?" I sit in silence remembering her face. Tears streaming down her cheeks. "You did...didn't you? You gave her an out."
"I know. It's.....when I saw her face....I couldn't bring myself to do it." Eren answers.
"Same here." I look at Armin.
Just then Armin and Jean get called out. They say goodbye leaving me,Eren,and Mika.
"Honestly.." Eren breaks the silence. "It felt good you know just letting mind,body,everything. For a was I wanted to die."
"Eren stop it." I grab his hand tears forming in my eyes. "Don't talk like that...please.
"It's okay...I'm better now." He squeezes my hand re-assuring me.
"I'm glad. Mikasa says. "I'm glad you guys are back."
Mikasa brings us some food telling us to go ahead then get some rest when we are done. When we finish she takes our stuff and leaves. We lay down and look into each others eyes. Eren pulls me close to him by the waist and kisses my forehead. "I'm so glad your okay. I promise I'll protect you with my life."
I smile as I start to play with the key around his neck. "Same goes to you. So don't do anything stupid." I let go of his key and snuggle my head into his chest. "I love you Eren."
"I love you too (Y/n). I'm so glad I found what I lost. " I feel him smile. I close my eyes and drifting off to sleep thinking I'm glad I found what I thought I'd lost too, and how together we'll fight till the end.

The end.

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