57th Expedition part 2

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    Your Pov
   I Stare up at the Female Titan. Why do I feel like I know this Titan? Why  do I feel like I've seen her before?
" ...the reinforcements" I hear  Petra  bringing me from my thoughts.
   I turn only to see them smashed aginst the tree's leaving big red dripping puddles on the bark.
  I gasp terrified I mean she's right on top of us are we really just going to let her catch us? 
    "Every one cover your ears" captain Levi commands. I cover both ears but still hear a high pitched note.
When the sounds over with captain Levi ask his squad "remind me, what is our mission is it to simply act on impulse in the heat of the moment?  Let me answer that question for you.
It's not. This squads mission is to keep these two brats alive. What ever the cost. Don't forget it."
We keep pushing forward is that clear?"
"As a fiddle sir" Petra answers.
"But for How long?" Eren cuts in "we can't keep running forever. She's right on top of us as it is. If we don't do something..."
More and more members are being killed.
"They're all going to die if we don't do something!!" I yelled.
"Face forward and look at the front!"one of the members tells me.
"Are you serious?" I yelled back.
"Maintain speed with the group!!"
"But if you guys cant stop this thing who can!! People don't have to die!!"
"Do what your told (y/n) eyes forward!!" Petra screams.
" how can you just ignore what's happening?! Are you telling me to abandon my commrads!!
"Damn it yes, now do as your told!!"
" I don't see the point in letting people die!!" Eren screams. "If this is part of a bigger picture can some one explain it!!"
"Ask not the reason why. Ask do or die. You'd understand that if you weren't such a useless greenhorn. Now be quiet and act like a soldier!!"
Eren looked like he was think ing as he put his blade away. I know what he's probably thinking. I wouldn't blame him. Eren looks into my (e/c) orbs. Asking if I wanted to do the same. I give a slight nod. We both opened our mouths.
"No you two!! Your only permitted to assume Titan form when your life's in extreme peral that was the agreement you swore an oath!! Petra yelled.
Eren and I touched our teeth to our skin.
"Stop!!" Petra screams worryingly.
" I wouldn't blame you. Captain Levi cuts in. "But listen the ability you two have didn't necessarily make you a monster that said it could be the other way around. How are you supposed to know where to draw the line? When it all comes down to it its your choice. You can trust yourselves or the people willing to put there lives on the line for you. Either way you choose what you choose. If afterwards you regret nothing good for you."
I still had my hand ready. As Eren turned around and started to lift it again.
"Eren , (y/n)" I turn to look at Petra. "Trust us"

~~~~~(time skip because I'm to lazy)~~~~~

  We got her.  She's immobilized. We plan to take her alive. But I can't help but think... why does she look so familiar. Why do I feel like I know her? She's like the collosal. That means she could no she is someone in a Titan body , but who?
"Whatcha thinking about?" Eren asks seeing how hard I'm thinking.
"Nothing it's just......"
A high pitched scream suddenly filled the Forrest. Titans ran but ignored us. Eventually we were given the order to with draw.
We shot through the forest on our gear. Found out Petra pissed her pants on her expedition. A green smoke signal flew into the sky. Gunter shot the same signal telling us it must have been the captain.
A little while later. Someone was beside us. They quickly sliced into something. When I saw Gunter hanging motionless from the tree.
I gasped in shock.
"Is that the female Titan?" I thought we caught her."
The figure disappeared behind the trees only to come out as the Female Titan.
Think (y/n) think who could she be?
I turn to Eren who's about to bite into his hand.
"You two get back to base!! We'll handle her!! "
"I thought you trusted us!!"
Eren and I left it to them but I couldn't help but turn and watch. It looked like they were about to defeat her. She was blind. Her arms were cut to where she couldn't move them. Eren turned to watch as well. The almost have her.
Suddenly one of her eyes opened as she bit down on a member.
Eren and I shot around heading back to help them but one after the other was crushed and all I could do was stare.
Whoever a in that Titan is ganna pay!
Pay for every life that was lost!! Tears streamed down my face.
"I'm ga..." Eren started tears brimming his eyes. "Im ganna......KILL YOU!!!" Eren bit into his hand.
I watched as Erens Titan ran to the Female. Punches being throw as well as kicks.
Wait I've seen this type of fighting before. My eyes cleared up. As I watched some more realizing we made the wrong choice everyone's dead because we decided to trust my team mates. I landed on a nearby tree watching Eren and the female Titan. She took a step
Forward getting in a stance.
I watched as Annie took a stance in front of Eren. As Eren ran forward. She stepped back and swung her leg knocking Eren to the ground.
End flash back
The female Titan stepped back and swung her leg. Knocking Erens Titans head off before she bit down and put him in her mouth.
It was at this moment I figured it out. The eyes the hair.
EREN NOO!! I screamed as I saw mikasa appear. I turned and look at her. Tears running down my cheeks. As she stared back fear in her eyes.
I turned to the female Titan. "HEY!! I won't Let you get away with this!! There's two of us Remember ANNIE!! I screamed at her and bit into my hand.

A/n: Yay another chapter and you figured out who the female Titan is OooOoOOooo.

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