Season 1; To the Waters and the Wild

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Y/n's POV

I pulled my light blue zip up closer to my body as I dragged my suitcase behind me, heading towards the large gates that loomed ahead. When I finally reached them, I smiled and made my way through the courtyard that was filled with fairies and specialists alike. I stopped in the center of the large area and admired the school in front of me, but I was interrupted as I was tackled into a hug by someone I had known for a long time.

"Y/n!" Sky chirped and hugged me tightly. "You're finally here! I can't believe it."

"You and me both," I agree and pull away from him. "I'm so excited!"

"Sky, stop perving on the first years. It's not co-" Riv cut himself off when he saw who his best friend was talking to. "Oh. It's only you."

"Hi, Riv," I greet through gritted teeth.

"A little chilly, are we?" Riv asked and nodded to my jacket, which I had since zipped up. "I find it quite hilarious that an ice fairy is always cold. You think it'd be quite the opposite. I guess that's karma for being known as the meanest fairies in the realm."

"I can show you mean if you want," I threaten and step towards him.

"Hey," Sky interrupted and stepped between us. "Stop it. Can you guys please try to get along like we did before? For me?" Riv and I hadn't always disliked each other. In fact, we actually used to be close. Very close. But over the past year, some things had changed between the two of us. And now, every time he was near me, I just couldn't stand him.

"I think I can make that work," I declare. "As long as Riv isn't an ass the whole year."

"Whatever," Riv grumbled and turned to Sky. "You coming to get settled in our room?"

"Go ahead," I urge Sky. "I've been here more than enough times in the past year to hang out with you that I can find my way around."

"All right. See you later," Sky called out as him and Riven walked towards the specialist hall.


"Oh, um, maybe we should take the other room," a dark skinned girl with blue streaked hair suggested to the ginger girl standing next to her.

"What? But this one looks fine," the ginger argued.

"Actually, she's right. You can't be in this one," I put forth as I paused packing up my things to turn to them. "I've got nothing against you both, and you seem like really nice girls, but things just wouldn't work out well between us."

"Why not?" the ginger girl questioned.

"You're a fire fairy, and she's a water one," I state and gesture at the girl standing next to her.

"And?" the ginger pushed.

"Oh you really are new to all of this stuff aren't you? She's an ice fairy. Her powers are opposite to both of ours," the water fairy explained. "Which means it'd be a bad idea for the three of us to share a room."

"But we can still be good friends," I add. "I'm Y/n."

"Aisha," the water fairy introduced. "And this is Bloom."

"It's nice to meet you both," I return and continue to unpack my things.

"I'm sorry," Bloom interjected, stopping me once again. "Y/n, how did you know I was a fire fairy and Aisha was a water fairy? And Aisha, how did you know Y/n was an ice fairy?"

"I can answer both of those," I profess and step towards her. "What did you feel as soon as you stepped into this room? More importantly, what do you feel now that I'm closer to you?"

Bloom shivered and rubbed her arms. "A little cold, actually."

"That's how Aisha knew I was an ice fairy. She felt the slight chill as soon as she stepped inside. As for how I could tell about you two, well, once you've been in the fairy realm long enough, it's easy to pinpoint who is what type of fairy," I disclose. Once Bloom and Aisha left to take up the room on the other side of the suite, I met my two roommates. There was Terra, who was an earth fairy, and Musa, a mind fairy. Both of them seemed really cool and chill, so I figured we'd get along just right. As Terra was busy decorating her side of the room with different plants, I got a bit intrigued and walked over to ask her a question. "Hey Terra? You wouldn't happen to have a lily of the valley, would you? I'd like to add a plant to my part of the room, but most plants usually die when they're around me for to long. You know, cause of the chill I radiate."

"I do have one," Terra confessed and handed me over a small pot with the flower blooming from it. "And it's all yours."

"Thank you," I exclaim and take the pot, placing it on the nightstand next to my bed. Once I had unpacked a fair bit of my things, I left the room to take a walk, and bumped into Aisha on my way out.

"Hey. I heard you mention to Terra and Musa that you grew up at Alfea. I went for a swim in the river, but I don't suppose this place has a pool?" Aisha inquired.

"There's not a pool, no," I answer. "The only thing close is the pond where the Specialists train. Nobody swims there, at least not on purpose. If you do go out though, don't forget that there's a small gathering for the students later. You might not want to miss it."


"You must be a specialist," I deduce and walk up to a boy that was standing by himself off to the side. "Explains why I haven't seen you around at all today. I'm Y/n."

"Dane," the boy greeted. "Nice to meet you. What type of fairy are you?"

"Ice," I reply and shove my hands into my pockets. "Don't worry though. Not all of us are mean, even though the stories only seem to tell it that way." It was then that I noticed Dane kept looking behind me, and me being as curious as I was, glanced back to see what he was looking at. When I saw that it was Riven, who was leaning against a pillar a few over from us, I whipped back around to face Dane. "Stop staring at him."

"What? I'm not staring at him," Dane defended.

"Yes you are," I insist. "And if you keep staring he's just gonna walk-"

"Right over here," Dane finished. "Yeah, he's already done that."

"I saw you earlier at specialist training," Riv recalled as he poured some alcohol into Dane's drink. "Here. Have some."

"Oh. Um, n-no thank you," Dane stuttered.

"No, really. I insist," Riv persisted and tipped the glass Dane was holding so that the younger drank of the contents.

"Wow," I comment. "Bullying the first years, Riv? Could you even be more basic? Dane, just ignore him. He thinks he's some badass, but you should've seen him last year. He's just a tragic nerd in disguise."

"And you're just angry cause I wouldn't shag you like you wanted me to," Riv retorted. "That is why you hate me, right? Cause I would willingly get with almost everyone at this school, but just not you."

"Are you serious? God you're so infuriating," I seethe, my body temperature already beginning to drop a few degrees. "I told you that ice fairies weren't all mean, right Dane? Well, sometimes, the nice ones do get a bit angry, and then shit goes down." As I raised my hands in Riv's direction, he began to turn pale, and slowly, he started shivering, his lips turning a slight shade of blue.

"S-stop it, Y/n," Riv stammered. "I-I can't......"

"Can't what, Riv?" I ask. "Use your big boy words." Just before I would've frozen Riv to death, I let down my hands, and the cold drifted away, returning the room to room temperature.

"You could've killed me, you freak," Riv spit out and pushed past me.

"I missed you too," I shout after him as he stalked away.

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