Your Newfound Popularity

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Y/n's POV

"I swear you gave me all the heavy stuff," Bloom complained as Aisha piled more bags into her arms. 

"You volunteered for this. Both of you," Aisha reminded us.

"Hey. I'm not complaining," I counter. 

"I volunteered for a simple banquet errand so we could leave school and see Sebastian. Then someone came up with additional ideas to make the banquet really sing," Bloom teased. 

"The Alumni Banquet is a big deal," Aisha insisted. "Every important Alfea grad from the past 50 years will be there." 

"And you want them to know that you helped with the centerpieces?" Bloom laughed.

"Bloom's got a point," I agree. "I mean, you do realize that the earth fairies could have conjured up some flowers, right?"

"Okay, do you really wanna know why this is so important? Tonight was always step one of my 20-year plan," Aisha started. "Headmistress Dowling would sing my praises to the alums. I'd intern for one of them at the Capitol, come back to Alfea to teach, work my way up. Eventually, at an Alumni Banquet, Dowling would step down, and I'd become headmistress." 

"Wow. I'm now just realizing the furthest I've thought ahead is, like, lunch. And to be honest, I'm wavering on that," Bloom joked. 

"You've never thought about your life after Alfea?" Aisha questioned. 

Bloom shrugged. "I mean, back in Gardenia, all I wanted was to be out of high school, and live a normal life. Be an artist or engineer or something. Then Alfea happened." 

"What about you, Y/n? Got any plans for after graduation?" Aisha asked.

"Not really," I reply. "Theoretically, there's tons of things I can do. I could go the environmental route and help rebuild the glaciers, which would help with global warming. Or I could go into the medical field and study the effects of the cold on disease. Then there's the obvious path of becoming a teacher, but I'm not too sure I could deal with teenagers."

"There's variety there. I'll give you that," Aisha said. "Don't worry though. You've got time to figure it out. All right, Bloom. You've got ten minutes to talk to Sebastian. Y/n and I will wait out here."

"Great. Thank you," Bloom chirped and headed inside Sebastian's shop.


"So, is everyone who went to Alfea like Duke Hammerstrong? Are there no normal jobs in the Otherworld? No accountants?" Bloom inquired. 

"Of course there are. It's just most of them didn't go to Alfea. I mean, the reason why all the alums are so powerful is because this school is the best," Stella claimed. 

"Not with Rosalind here," I disagree. "But Stella's right, Bloom. Alfea teaches the most powerful fairies. That's why most of the alum have such huge roles in the Otherworld."

"Right, well, I think I found the best way into the East Wing. And don't freak out, but I do think it's easiest if I just go by myself," Bloom spoke. 

"No way," Aisha opposed. 

"It's fine," Bloom assured us. "Plus, if I get caught, I can worm my way out with Rosalind." Just then, a knock sounded at the door. I groaned and pushed myself off of the couch where I was lounging in my robe to see who had knocked. When I opened the door, I was surprised to find Sky.

"Hey, Sky," I greet. "What are you doing here?"

"I need your help," Sky responded. "It's Riven. I stole the two of us some champagne so that we could relax before this banquet, and he's getting a little too deep in his feelings. I was hoping you could talk to him."

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