A Fanatic Heart

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Y/n's POV

"Silva, hey," I breathe out as Sky, Riven, and I finally reached the man deep out in the woods. "Sky said you wanted to see us?"

"I did, yeah. But not anymore. You need to get back to the school," Silva instructed. "It's not safe out here for you this close to the barrier."

"Why? What's going on?" I ask.

"There's a pack of Burned Ones out there," Silva answered. "We don't know how many, but it doesn't matter. You need to be with the other students."

"Then what did Dowling want me for?" I quiz.

"You and Riven showed the most potential in the training exercises earlier," Sky revealed. "Not even Bloom and I did as well as you two."

"But we sucked earlier," Riven pointed out.

"We didn't just now though," I counter. "Silva, Riven and I just passed that training exercise. If you need me, I can help you guys fight."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Silva disagreed.

"But I-"

"Y/n," Silva interjected. "I said no. Now, where are we at with spottings? Anyone know where the Burned Ones might be hiding?" Before anyone could respond, a loud roar pierced the air, and I winced, rubbing at my ears.

"That noise isn't coming from the forest. It's coming from the school," Sky realized.

"Get back and gather all the students. Bring them to the courtyard. Move!" Silva commanded.


"There you are. We've been worried sick about you," Musa confessed when I came across her in the courtyard.

"Same goes for you," I return and glance behind her to see Sam, Terra's brother, on a table being tended to by his father. "What happened to Sam?"

"A Burned One got him," Musa responded. "But where were you? We looked everywhere?"

"I was just going out for a walk," I lie as Headmistress Dowling took up a position at the front of the room.

"As I'm sure you're aware, Burned Ones have infiltrated the Barrier and the school," Dowling announced. "For some reason, the magical energy wells which power everything at the school have failed. I managed to speak with Queen Luna before they did. She understands the gravity of what's happening here, and the Solarian troops are on their way. We're barricading all entrances to the courtyard. We're safe for now, but we must prepare for the reality that the Burned Ones may infiltrate the space before they arrive. This is what we've been training for. Be cautious, but be brave. Let magic guide you, and let's show them what it means to be Alfeans. Prepare the barricade!"

"Wait a second," I interrupt and turn to my friends. "Do any of you guys see Riven?"

"Um, no," Terra replied. "But why do you care? I thought you hated him."

"It's very complicated. One minute I hate him, and the next I want to relive what we had. Part of me knows I shouldn't, but I miss him," I admit.

"Terra! Musa! I need your help!" Professor Harvey shouted.

"Coming dad!" Terra yelled back. "I'll let you know if I spot him, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks," I murmur as her and Musa pushed past me to help Professor Harvey out with Sam.

"Y/n!" Aisha called out and waved me over to where she was standing with Stella. "Hey. We need your help. We think Bloom might be trying to do something crazy."

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