All the Wild Witches

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Y/n's POV

"Why the fuck is it so dark in here? It's creepy," I comment as I used my phone's flashlight to light up the corridor.

"Power outage, maybe," Flora suggested. "Let's just hope Bavani hasn't come and checked up on us."

At that moment, we arrived at our suite, but the door was already cracked open. Musa went to take a step forward, but Flora stopped her. "I have magic. You don't. You two stay out here. I'll go check it out."

"Are you sure? Ice magic might be more useful in case we need to attack," I point out.

"I'll be okay," Flora assured me. "Stay here. Both of you." Musa and I stayed just outside the cracked door, pressing ourselves against the wall to stay hidden. Inside, I heard Flora grunt, but before I could move to see if she was okay, another voice was speaking from inside.

"Are you all alone? No fiery friend?" Sebastian asked. "Check the hall." I then heard footsteps making their way towards the door, and I sucked in a breath, readying my powers to strike back in case I needed to. My eyes glowed icy blue, and I conjured up some frost just as the person peaked outside the door. When I saw that it was Beatrix, part of me was relieved. But if Sebastian was in there, and she was too, that meant she was on his side. "Beatrix? Anyone out there?"

"No. It looks like the little flower girl is all alone," Beatrix responded and glanced towards us, speaking softly. "Go."


"What the fuck? What the actual fuck?!" I curse quietly as Musa and I ran down the nearest hallway to evade capture from the Specialists.

"Y/n, I need you to calm down," Musa instructed. "If you keep stressing out, your magic is gonna be out of control, and then the scrapers are gonna find us."

"I can't calm down, Musa. Blood Witches are everywhere, okay? They've taken over all of the Specialists here. The school is under attack, Flora is in danger, and Riven said 'I love you' this morning and I didn't get the chance to say it back," I list off.

"Whoa whoa whoa," Musa interrupted. "Riven did what?"

"He said 'I love you'," I repeat. "Right as he was rushing to meet up with Silva. I don't know if he actually meant it or-"

Musa cut me off. "Y/n, he definitely meant it. Now look, we can still help our friends. We just need some re-enforcements."

"Musa, did you not just hear what I said?" I quiz. "No one is here to help us. All of the fairies were captured and are in a huge take waiting for scrapers to take their powers, and the Specialists are all being controlled by Blood Witches. There are no re-enforcements."

"There's this," Musa claimed and picked up a fallen staff.

"That's what you call a re-enforcement? That's a stick," I note.

"It's a staff," Musa corrected.

"Same difference," I argue.

"I've got this, and you've got your powers. We can totally take out a few Blood Witches with these," Musa stated.

"So let me get this straight. Alfea's only hope is an ice fairy with little control over her powers at the moment and a mind-fairy who lost her magic and wants to be a Specialist? This isn't gonna go well," I declare.

"Y/n, we've got this. And when things are said and done, you'll get to tell Riven 'I love you' back. Promise," Musa pledged.

I let out a breath. "All right. We can give it a go. But please, tell me you can at least use that stick."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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