No Strangers Here

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Y/n's POV

"Shit," Musa grumbled quietly when she saw that I was already awake and dressed. "When did you get up?"

"A while ago," I respond and grab my things. "I find that I'm most productive in the mornings."

"Right. Um, are you wearing a pullover and a jacket?" Musa asked when she noticed my outfit.

"Oh. Uh, yeah," I reply. "I'm always a bit cold, which is odd because you'd think an ice fairy would be immune to that sort of thing. I also seem to be the only ice fairy that this happens to, so I understand your shock. Well, I'll let you get dressed and ready. I'm gonna grab some breakfast, warm up a bit, and then head to the stone circle.


"Magic lives in the very fabric of nature," Headmistress Dowling started. "And here in our circle of stone, it's magnified. The Vessel tests your ability to channel that magic. Later, you may learn to connect with other elements, but your first year is all about the element you were born with." And then, one by one, as the Headmistress called us up, she listed off the element that each fairy possessed, and we were to go up and show off our powers. "Earth. Soil, sand, rock, and all manner of plant life. Water. The lakes and oceans of the world, or the molecules that exist in all organisms around us. The mind. Thoughts, memories, dreams. Air. Speed, temperature, sound. Its power and electrical properties."

"You turn," Aisha notified me as she sat back down next to me. I took a deep breath and stood up, walking up to the vessel in the middle of the circle. I clasped the handles on either side of it before concentrating on the chill that always seemed to follow me around. All I was hoping for was to conjure up a some snowflakes or icicles inside of the vessel, but when I opened my eyes to see if I had done it, I saw that I hadn't. Instead, a light flurry began to rain down on top of all of us. I let go of the vessel, and once I had, the snow disappeared in an instant.

"Sorry," I apologize and walk back to my seat.

"Ice. Channels the powers of snow and cold weather. Can be dangerous if used incorrectly, but beautiful if ones intentions are clear. Don't apologize for your gift, Y/n," Headmistress Dowling told me. Once that lesson was over, I wished my suitemates goodbye and headed off towards the Specialist training area. I was hoping to get a word in with Sky, but when I got there, he wasn't in sight. Instead, I saw Riv take down another specialist twice his size with a pretty cool move with Dane standing by watching. As the fight ended, I approached the platform and clapped.

"Nice job, Riv. Showing off for me?" I question.

Riv scoffed playfully. "You wish. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in lessons right now?"

"I just finished my first one," I say. "And I just came by to see Sky for a second. Have you seem him?"

Riv gasped and placed a hand over his heart. "And not me? I'm hurt, Y/n. Seriously."

"Sorry. You're just not the man I'm looking for. So Sky?" I bring up again.

"He just walked off with Stella," Riv answered. "You're welcome to stay and chat for a second though while Silva is busy with the first years."

"I should actually get back. I've got another lesson in a bit," I claim.

"I'm sorry," Dane interjected. "What's going on here? Last night you almost killed him, and now you're friends again? I don't understand."

"Sky wants us to play nice, and whatever Sky wants, he gets," I joke and turn to Riv. "I uh, I am sorry about last night. I didn't mean to take things that far."

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