Season 2; Low-Flying Panic Attack

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Y/n's POV

"Your emotions are a tool," Rosalind stated as she stared at all of us, who were gathered in the stone circle. "Nothing more, nothing less. They're a power source. You've been told to control them, but that isn't always the best option. In combat, you'll need to rely on instinct. To do that, you'll need to let go. That's when you find true power. Y/n, why don't we start with you?"

"Oh, um, Headmistress, I don't really feel comfortable doing that," I confess. "If my powers get out of control, people could get hurt."

"But that's what we're looking for today," Rosalind countered. "For you to let everything go and release the true capabilities of your powers. Now come on. Show Marco what you've got."

Once I realized I wasn't going to get my way, and that Rosalind was going to keep pushing me to do the exercise, I gave in. I shrugged my jacket off, setting it down on top of the nearest rock, and stepped into the circle so that I was standing across from Marco. The chill from the outside air felt good against my skin. And while that was a plus in it's own, the coldness also strengthened my powers. In my hand, a ball of frost began to form. Marco did the same, conjuring up a palm of electricity.

Before I could even react, Marco thrust his powers at me, dissipating my frost and stinging my hand. I let out a small yelp and shook my hand, hoping that would help with the pain, but it didn't. I conjured up some more frost, but yet again, Marco beat me to it and shot his powers at me. This happened over and over again. And when I was hit with his powers for the tenth time, anger took over me. I surged forwards, my arms covered up to my elbow in frost, but just before I could let out everything I had at Marco, I realized what I was doing, and I became a little scared of myself.

"I am so sorry, Marco," I apologize and stumble backwards to grab my jacket. 

"Y/n," Aisha started and reached out to me.

"Don't," I caution as I gathered my things. "Please, just don't. I've gotta go."


A knock on my bedroom door startled me from where I was curled up in my bed. I ignored whoever it was and snuggled deeper under my blankets, hoping to feel more warmth from them. Again, a knock sounded, but I still didn't move out from under my covers.

"Y/n?" Bloom called out from the other side. "Can we talk?"

"I'm not really in the mood for talking," I admit. "Can it wait until later?"

"I'm afraid not," Bloom answered and entered the room. "Holy.......Why is it so hot in here? And why are you buried under layers of blanket?"

"Like I said, I'm not in the mood for talking," I repeat.

"This is about what happened in the stone circle earlier, isn't it?" Bloom figured. "Y/n, you didn't do anything wrong."

"I did exactly what Rosalind wanted," I point out and sit up, pushing my hair out of my face. "I let my negative emotions take over, and because of that, I could've hurt someone. Or worse, killed them."

"Hey," Bloom murmured and took a seat on the edge of my bed. "I know you're still iffy about using your powers after what happened with the Burned Ones last term, and Rosalind isn't helping with that, but trust me, nothing is going to happen. I believe that you can control your powers. And out of all of us, you've got your life under the most control."

I laughed. "I've got things under control? Have you seen what's going on in my life right now? I'm scared of my powers, I'm barely been talking to Sky, I'm skirting around Riven like he's the plague.....I could go on, Bloom."

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