Poor Unfortunate Souls

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Y/n's POV

"Now I trust you all understand the gravity of the situation. So, until we are sure about how we're going to proceed, nobody can know any of the details of what happened at the graveyard today," Silva instructed. "Nobody can know that any of the fairies at this school no longer control the Dragon Flame."

"Sorry, I know it's a big deal that Bloom killed..." Terra trailed off but then continued. "That Rosalind's dead. But in my humble opinion, it's a bigger deal that Rosalind murdered Miss Dowling." 

"Yes, but the only thing we know for certain is the first part of that sentence," Silva noted. "Now, I have made an agreement with Bavani that should keep Bloom out of confinement." 

"What are those?" Flora asked as Silva pulled two silver spiraled rings out of a black box. 

"Torture devices to stop Bloom using her magic," Aisha realized. "The crystal is why she lost control. She discharged her magic into it. She's not a risk anymore." 

"It's okay. I did it. I'm not gonna fight," Bloom admitted as the rings wrapped themselves around her arms, drawing blood as the metals clamps attached themselves to her skin. 

"Bavani will convene a tribunal to determine the consequences of Bloom's actions, and Queen Luna will preside over it," Silva informed us. 

"So, what? You expect us to go to class like everything's normal?" Musa inquired. 

"No, because everything is not normal. Queen Luna is making an address," Silva announced and pulled out a hologram device that produced a video of the queen herself. 

"Citizens of Solaria, I have tragic news. Rosalind Hale, headmistress of Alfea, is dead. It is a grave loss not only for the students of Alfea but for the entire realm. Rosalind was one of the bravest fairies the Otherworld has ever seen. Respected by her peers. Feared by her enemies. But fear will not dictate how we respond. There is a guilty party, and they will be brought to justice. Blood Witches. Their hatred of our kind is well known. But a heinous act such as this is unprecedented, carried out by their leader, Sebastian Valtor. Every Blood Witch following him is considered an enemy of the Crown. We will use the full weight of our military against them. And make no mistake... this is an act of war."

"Oh, um Riven's waiting for you outside," Sky told me as our group dispersed. "Said he wanted to talk."

"Great," I mutter and rub my forehead. "Because I need another lecture right now. Thanks for letting me know."

"Hey. Calm down, okay? I'm sure it's nothing. You and him always manage to work things out. He also told me about the two of you the other day, and I want you to know that I fully support you guys. I've always wanted you two together," Sky confessed.

"We were together before," I point out.

"Except I didn't know about that," Sky countered and pushed me towards the exit. "Now go. He's waiting for you."

"Hey, Riv," I greet as I met up with him outside. "Sky said you wanted to talk."

"Yeah. Why didn't you tell me where you were really going off to the other night?" Riven questioned. "I had to hear from Sky and Silva about Rosalind and Dowling and this whole mess. I thought my own girlfriend would've told me about that since you're sort of involved in the whole incident now."

"Riven, please stop," I beg. "I'm not really in the mood for an argument right now."

"Y/n, believe me, I'm not trying to start a fight. I just want to know why you didn't think you could talk to me about this," Riven put forth.

"Because I didn't want you getting dragged into all of this!" I exclaim. "You're the most important person in my life right now, Riv. Things with us have been good. Really good. And I wouldn't have been able to live with myself knowing that you had been caught up in something you shouldn't have. If that makes me a bad girlfriend, then fine. But I'm not-"

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