Taken By The Wind

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Y/n's POV

"Ugh," I groan and throw my pillow to the side of my bed. I had been trying to get back to sleep for the past ten minutes, but everyone was being so loud in the common area that I couldn't. I sighed and climbed out of bed, ready to go see what was going on. When I entered the living area, I saw a new girl I had never seen before. "Oh, hello. Guys, whose this?"

"This is my cousin, Flora," Terra introduced. "She's gonna be joining the suite."

"Joining the suite? But we don't have any..."I trailed off. "Oh. She's rooming with Stella? Maybe we should warn her."

"Don't worry. They already have," Flora assured me. "Terra's told me all about you guys. You must be Y/n. You're the ice fairy, right?"

"The one and only," I answer.

"You just getting up? Usually you're awake before all of us," Musa pointed out.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep much last night," I respond.

"Boy troubles?" Bloom inquired.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "How'd you know?"

"I talked to Sky last night, and he said Riven seemed sort of off. Said he was pacing around the room and kept asking himself why you'd lie to him," Bloom informed me.

"Wait a second," Flora interjected. "Riven? Isn't that the guy who was a massive dick to you throughout the beginning of the year? The same one who broke up with you this past summer even though you were just trying to look out for him?"

"Yeahhhhh," I draw out. "But how did you....?"

"Terra tells me everything," Flora admitted. "From what I can tell, Riven sucks. So why are you worrying about him?"

"Because right before Rosalind became Headmistress, the two of us worked things out," I profess. "We promised that we'd become actual friends again, and that's all I've ever wanted. But then when Rosalind took over Alfea, things changed. It's like the old Riven is slowly coming back again, and I don't know if I can survive without him any longer."

"Because Y/n likes him," Musa teased.

"What? I-I do n-not," I stammer.

"Oh you do. You totally do," Terra confirmed.

"So when do I get to meet Riven?" Flora questioned.

"Well, we have to go down to the greenhouse to help out my dad, so maybe he'll be there. Specialists are always getting injured," Terra noted.

"Well, if you see him, turn the opposite direction and run away," I advise. "Now, if you'll all excuse me, I'm gonna go back to bed."

"No you're not," Aisha opposed and exited her room. "The two of us have our water science class, remember?"

I sighed. "Ugh. Sometimes I hate this school. Why am I taking a class about water when I'm an ice fairy?! It makes no sense!"

"Um, I hate to break it to you, but ice and water are practically the same discipline," Terra shared.

"Yeah, I know that, Terra. Thanks," I mumble. "All right. Give me five minutes and then we can get going."


I was sitting up against a tree in the main yard, a book open in my hands. My backpack was thrown to the grass next to me, a few pencils and a notebook scattered out of it. There was a nice breeze blowing through the lawn, and at the moment, everything was peaceful. Until I felt something tickle the side of my neck. I let out a yelp and flung out my hand, a blast of ice flying out from it.

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