Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?

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Y/n's POV

"Ow!" I grimace and bite my lip.

"Sorry," Riven apologized as he continued wrapping the gauze around my abdomen. "Terra said it had to be tight, remember?"

"Yeah. I remember," I confirm. "I just don't get why this bite hasn't healed but the one on my thigh has. It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe its because this scraper took a huge chunk of flesh out of you," Riven suggested. "You were bleeding pretty bad when I found you, Y/n."

"So you keep saying. I can't remember any of what happened after I collapsed," I confess and pull down my shirt. "I've gotta go see Terra and Flora about some healing salve for this. You want to come with?"

"Sure," Riven replied as the two of us exited his room. "I need to know when my girl's gonna be back in action. I can barely touch you without you hurting."

"Believe me, I know how you feel. I would give anything to have a hot and heavy make out session with you," I claim. "Hopefully this thing will be healed within the next few days. Getting back to spending time with you isn't all that I'd like to be doing."

"Right. You want to help out with catching Sebastian and the Blood Witches," Riven recalled.

"I'm an ice fairy, the second most powerful type of fairy in the realm right behind fire fairies. I shouldn't be sitting around doing nothing," I complain.

"Hey," Riven interjected and stopped me in my tracks just before I could enter the greenhouse. "I know how much you hate sitting around doing nothing, but you shouldn't push yourself. You could end up making that wound even worse. Just keep doing what you're doing, and soon you'll be back to your normal self. I promise."

"What would I do without you Riv?" I joke and peck his lips before entering the greenhouse.

"Look who it is. My favorite love birds," Musa chirped and hopped up from the exam bed she was sitting on.

"Hey, Musa," I greet. "Just finishing your examination?"

"Yep. And she's good as new," Terra stated.

"What about your powers?" I ask.

Musa sighed. "No luck there. The scrapers took them. What about you?"

"Still a little iffy, but they'll be back to working order in no time," I declare. 

"That's good. Well, I've gotta get back to the chores Rosalind assigned to me, so I'll see you guys back at the suite," Musa waved and exited the greenhouse.

"So what can we help you with Y/n?" Terra quizzed.

"I came by to see if you guys could whip me up a healing salve for this bite on my side," I answer. "It hurts like a bitch, and I'd rather it be healed sooner rather than later."

"Uh, sure. I can make you something as soon as I'm done with this," Flora told me and held a small tube up to her eyes.

"Ooh. What's that?" I question.

"I'm testing a remedy for Blood Witch mind control," Flora revealed. "I hate the idea that they can take over someone's body."

"I might be here awhile. You should go back to training," I urge Riven.

"Uh, okay. Oh, but before I go, we are out of willow bark at the Bastion," Riven brought up.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Flora's hogging all the herbs. Here," Terra offered and handed Riven what we came for.

"Thanks. I'll see you later," Riven said and leaned down to give me a kiss before he left. I expected it to be just a peck, but of course, Riven went all in. He kissed me so passionately that when he pulled away, I could still taste him on my lips.

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