Wither Into the Truth

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Y/n's POV

"No. No way," I oppose and shake my head. "Headmistress Dowling, I can't be partnered with him."

"I didn't create the pairs. Silva did," Headmistress Dowling disclosed. "And you'll have to live with it. Now go on. It's training day. And you need all the training you can get if you want to defeat a burned one."

"What are you doing over here?" Riven asked harshly when I approached him by the maze.

"Apparently, we're partners for today," I tell him.

Riven scoffed. "Like hell we are. Who said that?"

"Headmistress Dowling told me that Silva assigned the pairings, and he wasn't too keen on changing them," I respond.

"Whatever," Riven grumbled and adjusted his vest. "Lets just get this over with."


"Where is it? Do you see it?" I quiz and turned around in a circle, Riven right next to me.

"No. You?" Riven returned.

"No. Come on you stupid monster,"  I groan out. "Show yourself already." Just then, from the pathway to my right, a Burned One appeared out of nowhere, it's body smoking slightly as it light itself on fire. Then, it charged at us, running faster than humanly possible. I tried to conjure up my powers, but with the heat of the Burned One, they weren't working.

"Y/n!" Riven shouted. "Do something!"

"I'm trying," I defend and flick out my hand, only for nothing to happen. "Come on. Come on!"

"Move!" Riven demanded and shouldered me out of the way, sending me tumbling to the ground. When the tip of Riven's sword touched the creature, it disappeared, leaving a shiny crystal in it's wake. Riven bent down and picked up the gem, dusting it off as I got to my feet.

"Fuck you!" I spit at him. "Don't ever push me again!"

"Well I had to do something. Your powers weren't working," Riven pointed out.

"I just needed a moment," I argue.

"If that was real, another moment would've gotten us killed," Riven retorted.

"Hey you two," Professor Harvey greeted us. "Calm down a little, okay? This exercise isn't meant to be easy. It's meant to challenge you both. No one gets it on the first try."

"Or the sixth, apparently," Riven muttered.

"Look, every failure brings you one step closer to success. Just be patient. Ice magic is very effective if used properly. Inside each Burned One is a magical core called a cinder, and with your powers, you can destroy it because fire and ice are opposites. But it's gonna take time. The key is mutual trust. Y/n, you must trust your Specialist to hold it back while you channel controlled magic, and Riven, you must trust your fairy to get the job done." 

"I guess we're never gonna complete the exercise then. Cause I've got no trust in him at all," I declare.

"Maybe you guys just need a break," Professor Harvey suggested. "Take five minutes to cool down and then we'll have another go."

Later that evening, I was back in the dorm, ready to just relax. Classes had been put on pause, so we trained until the sun went down. I was tired and sore, mentally and physically, and all I wanted was to relax for a bit and then get to bed. I collapsed down on the couch and laid down, closing my eyes. However, not even a second later, Aisha lifted up my legs and moved them over, giving herself a place to sit down.

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