An Hour Before the Devil Fell

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Y/n's POV

"Morning," I chirp when Musa exited her bedroom and entered the main room. "You look like you need some coffee. There's a fresh pot on the counter."

"Someone is awfully chipper this morning," Musa noticed and poured herself a cup. "What's wrong? Did you spill on my favorite hoodie? Forget to do your homework and need to copy mine? Freeze one of our roommates?"

"What? No," I respond. "I didn't do anything. I'm just happy is all. Now what about you Ms. I Always Sleep In. You're up pretty early today."

"Rosalind wants all of the mind fairies to train with the Specialists today," Musa informed me. "Apparently we can help protect them from blood witch magic. And scrappers."

"Right. Bloom caught me up about all of that this morning," I say.

"Yeah, where did you go during the Alumni Banquet yesterday? After you left with Sky for some reason that you won't tell anyone, you sort of disappeared," Musa pointed out.

"I'll have you know that I did show up to the ball," I defend. "But then I realized that I didn't really want to be there, so I left to get some fresh air."

Musa narrowed her eyes at me. "You're hiding something. I can tell."

"I'm not," I lie.

"You definitely are," Musa insisted. "And I will find out what you're hiding."


Riven shoved me up against the door to his dorm as soon as I had ditched my bag near his bed and smashed his lips to mine. I hummed in content against his lips and cupped his face in my hands. Riven's hands traveled down to my hips and squeezed them softly, which was a bit odd considering his kissing was anything but. But I enjoyed it. It was then that I pushed Riven away, and with one movement, I pulled off my shirt and tossed it to the floor. Almost immediately, Riven was dragging me onto his bed, and as soon as my back hit his mattress, his lips began to attack my neck. I let out a little breath, pleasure running through my body at the feeling of Riven's body pressed against mine.

"God I've missed this," Riven breathed out in between kisses. "I've missed you."

"Maybe if you hadn't been a douche to me the first half of the school year, this could've happened sooner," I bring up, which caused Riven to stop kissing my neck. He pulled himself back and ran his hand through his hair before glancing up at me.

"Hey, don't forget you almost turned me into an ice statue the first night here," Riven reminded me. "So I wasn't the only douche."

"In my defense, you totally deserved it," I shoot back playfully.

"You totally deserved it," Riven mocked back before grabbing my legs and tugging me towards him. I let out a small laugh when my body came into contact with Riven's, and when he leaned down and began to kiss me again, I didn't wanted to leave. But then my phone started blowing up.

"Whoever is interrupting is gonna get some serious frostbite later," I grumble and grab my phone from where my bag was sitting on the floor.

"Who is it? I really hope it's Sky," Riven joked and glanced over at my phone when I unlocked it. "Holy hell, Y/n! 30 texts in the last minute? Who's texting you that much?"

"It's the suitemate group chat," I answer. "Shit! I forgot we made plans for tonight. We're supposed to be getting ready together to go have a night out on the town. They're all wondering where I am."

"Don't go," Riven begged.

"I have to. But hey, you should come. Invite Sky and Grey and Dane and some of the Specialists. It should be a good time. Plus, having you there would make me the happiest person in the Other World," I confess.

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