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Tanjiro was at the Harisha masion with the master and talking to Zenistu. Zenitsu said,"Hey who is your crush?" Everyone heard this and was curious. Tanjiro whispers in his ear. Zenitsu yelled,"What!? The Flame Harisha!!". Tanjiro blushed and yelled,"ZENITSU SHUT UP!!!". Tanjiro chased Zenitsu around, yelling at him. Everyone heard Zenitsu pretty clear and was trying so hard not to laugh. Tanjiro huffed and walked off annoyed as hell. Tanjiro yelled,"You all better shut up!!!". Everyone cleared their throat. Tanjiro walked away to Nezuko's box and said,"Let me in so I can die in embarrassment....". Nezuko did and shut the box door. Tanjiro said,"Don't be mean... Not my fault...he is so hot tho... I hate being gay.... Nezuko you have a crush on Kanaoe leave me alone...". Nezuko giggled and came out and shut the door. Nezuko took off her bamboo and yelled,"Ha! Gay!!!" "Shut up and let me hide!!". "You already came out of the closet", She said. "I am locking myself in again!!!", Tanjiro yelled. Nezuko put her bamboo back on and laughs.

Rengoku went to Nezuko and whispered,"Let me take him to calm down in the forest okay". Nezuko nodded.

In the forest, Rengoku knocked on the door. Tanjiro opened the door and was blushing a bit, looking down. Rengoku pulled him out and said,"What is wrong?". "You already know...", Tanjiro said, a bit sad. Rengoku hugged him and said," I love you....". "I-... I love you to....", Tanjiro said.

Rengoku kissed his forehead, causing Tanjiro to blush (Photo on top).

Tanjiro brought back the box and went back to the Masion holding Rengoku's hand.

The Harisha saw them and said,"Ooo~". Tanjiro turned red and looked away," S-Shut up...". Rengoku laughed a bit, kissing his forehead. Tanjiro hides his face and muffled, "S-stop it...". Rengoku laughed slightly. Nezuko was hugging Kanaoe. Tanjiro looked at them and huffed a bit into Rengoku's side and muffled," I want kelp riceballs". "Alright", Rengoku said.

After eating, Tanjiro sat in Rengoku's lap and listens to his heartbeat slowly. Tanjiro soon falls asleep. Rengoku smiled at the night sky with stars everywhere.

2 weeks later, Tanjiro huffed in annoyance because Rengoku had a mission with Iguro and Mitsuri. Giyuu said,"Stop pouting and train". "Shut it!!", Tanjiro said, annoyed even more and walked off. Giyuu was confused. Zenistu said,"Oh one of those moods today". "What mood?", Shinobu asked.
Inosuke said,"Monjiro has this mood where is annoyed at everyone and everything because

1. Worries to much
2. Angry for some reason
3. Also tired...he barely slept at night...

"ohhhh welp hope Rengoku can calm him down", Shinobu said. Zenistu said,"Well he better hurry up with the mission because it is hard to calm him down after 3 days of trying to..". Everyone just said," Oh god...and this is a week mission for them..".

Tanjiro was up late again for training and ate a ricebowl. He came outside and see them training and leaves. Inosuke said," are training". "...No thanks...", Tanjiro said, annoyed because this is the 4th time they told him to train.

A week later, Tanjiro was in full- on annoyed and angry mood. "TANJIRO GO TRAIN!!", Sanemi yelled. Tanjiro yelled,"NO WAY!!". Tanjiro walked off, bumping into someone and said,"Oi watch where your going..". Tanjiro tried to pass the person, but they caught his wrists. Tanjiro yelled,"HEY LET ME GO!!". The person dragged him inside to his room. Tanjiro looked up at the person angry then shocked and calm overtook him.

Rengoku said," need to calm down...". Tanjiro huffed and looked away and said,"I thought you were on a mission with Snake Boy and Girl Simp...". " We finished it... What got you all angry and annoyed?", Rengoku asked. Tanjiro said," You left for a week, people wanna bug me, Inosuke keeps saying my name wrong and I hate it... I was also worried about you... And didn't sleep...". Rengoku kissed him. Tanjiro kissed back. Rengoku said,"Go to sleep...". Tanjiro said,"...No I need to make up training...". "You need to sleep first... Now go to bed..", Rengoku said, nicely and calmly. Tanjiro sighed and laid in bed and said,"Cuddles...?".

Rengoku holds Tanjiro's waist, being a big spoon and Tanjiro falling asleep.

Everyone opened the door. Giyuu said," Only a kiss and cuddles can calm him down..". "I am a not a snake boy...", Iguro said, annoyed. Mitsuri said," I am not a simp either....". They looked at both them annoyed and shut the door.

The End
Word Count: 776 words

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