SaneTan 3

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Sanemi was bored and had a crush on a certain red head with a demon sister. He couldn't help it, he just somehow caught them. So he came up with a plan to trick the red head.

Later, Tanjiro had a mission with Sanemi. Sanemi pinned Tanjiro to the wall and said, "look I need help with something". Tanjiro said, "sure... With what". Sanemi explained how he wanted to asked out Giyuu and said, "I need someone to practice with... You were honestly my only fucking choice". Tanjiro sighed and said, "Fine".

Tanjiro sighed as he got ready for the "date" with Sanemi and left to it wearing a white kimono. Tanjiro saw Sanemi and the place was beautiful. Tanjiro smirked and said, "So this is for confessing to Giyuu- San". " yeah... It might help... To set the "mood" or something", Sanemi said. Tanjiro giggled at this. Sanemi blushed slightly, but not noticeable.

Sanemi said, "There is a note that I wrote for Giyuu, wanna see it... I am not good with writing...". Tanjiro smiled and shook his head a bit. He grabbed the note and read it and he smiled softly at it...

To my best friend and soulmate, I might not show my feelings towards you well, but I do want to say that I love you. I can try to show my feelings, but it might hard, knowing I have a hard time letting people in. But I hope one say I see you down the aisle wearing white.

Later on the " date", a demon attack Tanjiro. Tanjiro cut the demons hand off, but was thrown to the sky quicker than Zenitsu and was thrown back down. Sanemi caught him and slayed the demon. Tanjiro groaned a bit and said, "What a great date". Sanemi said, "are you okay tho...". Tanjiro nodded and said, "... Thank you". Sanemi snickered and said, "I think I found my bride~". "Huh?". Sanemi snickered and said, "the note I gave you was for you~". Tanjiro blushed. Sanemi laughed. Tanjiro said, "you tricked me!!". "Had to... You would never let me actually confess to you", Sanemi said with a slight smirk. Tanjiro blushed and said, "your an idiot!!". Sanemi laughed.

They came back and Tanjiro was yelling at him. Sanemi laughed. They both entered the Harisha HQ. Tanjiro entered with Sanemi. Giyuu said, "How was the mission, you two?". Tanjiro said, "this guy is a bastard and a hot sly... AGH!!". Sanemi laughed so hard and said, "calm down... You never gave me an answer... You just yelled at me...". Tanjiro sighed and said, "yes... I accept your confession... You cheeky asshole". Sanemi smirked and leaned down to him and kissed him softly and walked off and said, "later... Babe~...". Tanjiro blushed hard and fainted. Giyuu caught him and looked at Sanemi smiling with a hint of blush.

Tanjiro woke up and sees that his in Sanemi's lap and blushes hard. Sanemi opened his eyes and said, "your awake...". Tanjiro nodded. Sanemi said, "what do you want to eat?". Tanjiro said, "what time is it?". Sanemi said, " It's lunch... So we gotta eat and head to a meeting with Master". Tanjiro said, "Onigiri?". Sanemi got up and said, "whatever you choose dear".

They ate dinner, Tanjiro and Sanemi arrived to the meeting there was Master, Nezuko, and a demon slayer girl, Rachel. Tanjiro sat by Sanemi and said, "nezuko? What happened". Nezuko muffled her part of the story. Tanjiro fell silent and smiled deadly everyone was scared. The girl said, "what!?". " What's your part of this... My sister was apparently chilling around and you came up to her and went to chop her head off", Tanjiro said. Master said, "oh Tanjiro, my child...". Rachel said, "She is a demon!! And it's against demon corp rules that you can't have a demon with you!!". Tanjiro was faster in a blink of an eye and went behind Rachel and said, "we past that test... You however don't decides to kill a demon without knowing about if they are good... Or evil... I happen to know both ways of this...". Tanjiro was clearly pissed, but had a smile on his face. Nezuko was in her box, pissed off as well. Rachel was terrified as shit, she started to shake her legs. Tanjiro walked off on that and smirks as he sat in Sanemi's lap. Sanemi chuckled and said, "never knew you had a bad side~". Tanjiro said, "I am a lot more than that...". Rachel cried as her boyfriend appeared. Tanjiro rolled his eyes at this.

Yeah it didn't look pretty at this after The girl called her boyfriend to the fight and Sanemi got up behind Tanjiro. Everyone was just drinking tea at this. Tanjiro had his sword out and leaned against Sanemi. Rachel and her boyfriend shivered as they saw Sanemi.

Rachel and her boyfriend left. Tanjiro said, "touch my sister again, your head will be chopped off~". Tanjiro out his sword up and said, "let's go, I'm tired". Sanemi smirked and said, "your the boss dear". They left at that and Giyuu was just there for the drama.

The End
Word Count: 861 words

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