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Kokushibo was in the living room with the other uppermoons. Tanjiro soon came out and said, "Onii-Chan... ". " yes Tanjiro ", Akaza said, looking at his younger brother. Tanjiro said, " Douma likes you~". Douma yelled, "I told you that in confidence!! Traitor". " I want my ship to sail bitch", Tanjiro yelled. Daki clapped and said, "beautiful Tanjiro". " Thanks bestie~", Tanjiro said, doing a peace sign. Daki did the same. Daki said, "Put on the outfit I made you last night!! ". Tanjiro said, " I am not going that far!!". Tanjiro was blushing hard and angry a bit. Kokushibo pulled Tanjiro down to his lap and said, "Stop telling TanTan... Your loud". " sorry Koku...", Tanjiro said. Kokushibo looked at him and then asked, "Why were you crying last night... ". Tanjiro stiffened. Everyone looked at them.

Akaza said, " you cried? And not tell anyone... What goes through your damn mind when we are out". "Everything", Tanjiro said, he got up and ran off in panic.

Tanjiro's POV: I ran to my room and locked the door and panicked. 'How did Koku know... Why did Onii-Chan look so worried but shocked... Oh god... What if Master Muzan-Sama knew... Everyone found out that I was not always happy... I know I am sad sometimes... ', I thought. I was pacing around my room.. (I know most you wondered why I called Akaza... He isn't my real brother... He helped me escaped my adopted family... Who was abusive... My real parent didn't like the fact that they had to sell 1 out 4 kids... They were gonna chose Nezuko, but I said no I went instead... No one knew that those people were abusive at all).

I paced around my room and looked around scared as shit. I mean yeah I cry but silently so no one can hear me... Or if I am out on a walk in the sun or not... How did Koku know yeah he maybe my boyfriend, but I never been the one to show my sadness or other negative emotions just a smile on my face...

I heard Muzan call for all of the uppermoons and so I went I was uppermoons 0...

As I got there, I panicked slightly outside, but have an anxiety attack on the inside.

Muzan was telling us about missions for us. He looked at me, with worried eyes and I panicked even more. During the meeting, my anxiety went up and I trying to hide my tears, but couldn't hold it in longer and ran into my room, hiding my face from everyone. Muzan said, "Tanjiro I have not dismissed ye-". I quickly looked at him with tears down my face and I looked away and ran faster then before. Muzan said, " Tanjiro!!". The demons were silent because of the action that I did. Muzan said, "You are all dismissed".

I was in my room, locking the door, sliding to the floor, crying hard. I was breathing heavily and unsteady. I cried so hard, missing my real family, loving and being a family to demons... My friends... . I felt like screaming so hard and loud, but I couldn't, it just won't come out. There was a knocked on the door and I said, " Go Away!!! Go away... G.. Go a... Away... ".

Kokushibo teleported in and saw me. He rushed to me and said, " calm down... It'll be okay"

Kokushibo's POV: After Muzan dismissed us after Tanjiro ran off, he gave us a quick look with tears down his face. I was worried because he never ran off during a meeting. I followed him and knocked on his door, He yelled at me to 'Go away' so I asked Nakime to teleport me in. She did I saw him having a panic attack I never seen him like that before... I hugged him and comfort him to calm down. He did and fell asleep on my chest, clingy to him. I put him in his bed and I left his room, after I turned off the light and unlocked the door. I went where the others were. Akaza said, "Is he okay?". I said, " Yeah.. He is asleep now... I saw him with a panic attack... ". Everyone was silent and shocked. Akaza was about to punch Kokushibo, but missed. Akaza yelled, " It is your fault, he had a panic attack!!". No one knows about me and Tanjiro dating at all. I looked at Akaza and said, "I was worried about him, when I heard him cry last night... So I asked.. Even though he didn't answer me... It still ain't my fault... He is calm and asleep now... Now stopped acting like a child and let me be... ". I will not lie, I almost exposed me and Tanjiro's secret.

(A/N: Fun Fact I actually had a panic attack at school that was fun!! Let me know if you want to know what the hell happened)

No one's POV: Kokushibo left the other, to make sure Tanjiro was okay. Kokushibo went to Tanjiro and sees him awake. " you okay now TanTan.. ", Kokushibo asked. Tanjiro nodded softly and said, " I am sorry...". "It's fine... ". Kokushibo closed the door and hugged him tightly. Tanjiro said, " I love Koku.. ". " I love you to TanTan", Kokushibo said. They kissed and cuddled in bed. They fell asleep.

The Next Day, Tanjiro woke up and sees Everyone looking at him. Tanjiro said, "Whattt". " 1. Are you okay and 2. Why are you and Kokushibo un the same bed!?", Akaza said. Tanjiro said "Yeah I am fine and for 2... I made him stay and cuddle me... Nothing is going on between us... ".

Tanjiro went on a kill and the demons and Muzan was there. Tanjiro knocked on the door and sang," Veronica... Veronica.. Open. -open the door, please Veronica, can we night fight anymore, please. Can we not fight any more, Veronica sure your scared, I been there... I can set you free.... Veronica don't make me come in there... I gonna count to 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦...". A girl opened the door and blushed at Tanjiro. He smirked and slashed her neck and left. He came back covered in blood and smiled softly.

Akaza said, "Why do have a female voice when you sing like jeez". " my blood art idiot... It is Siren and can make me around like a female...". Kokushibo blushes and looked away.

2 weeks later, Kokushibo and Tanjiro was arguing after the mission they both had. Tanjiro said, "That was gross!!! I hate how you kill people". " Deal with it.. ", Kokushibo said. They agrued. Tanjiro was angry as hell and Kokushibo knew that and kissed him on the lips. Tanjiro kissed back and kissed back. Tanjiro yelled, " just because you kissed me doesn't mean I am not angry". The others were shocked as hell.

After that, Tanjiro said, huffed so did Kokushibo. Muzan said, "why are they angry" "they had a fight... ", Akaza said. Muzan said, " Why are they holding hands... ". " they didn't want to leave each other either also... ", Daki said. Kokushibo was angry, but Tanjiro calmed down. " one calmed down", Gyutaru said. Tanjiro hugged him and said, "Do you still love me...? ". " yes... ", Kokushibo said annoyed, but calm. Tanjiro smiled and kissed his cheek. Kokushibo smiled softly and tackles him into a hug. Tanjiro laughed and said, " you big baby...". Kokushibo holds Tanjiro's waist, snuggling in his chest. Tanjiro said, "Nakime... His bedroom... Please... ". Nakime played the Biwa and teleport them them to Kokushibo's room.

They just cuddled and sleep.

The End.
Word Count: 1259 words

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