UzuiTan 2 + 3wives

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Tanjiro was talking to Tengen and his wives. The girls was talking to Tanjiro about being a "fourth wife". Tanjiro was a cherry. Tanjiro soon went to lay down in his room, but Makio just took him and lay him down with the rest of them. Tanjiro blushed of bi panic. Suma holds his waist pulling him in. Tengen chuckled. Tanjiro looked at Tengen and blushed and said, " I am a guy... And I am bi... I am dating three girls and a man... ". Tengen said, " they love you also". Tanjiro blushed and kissed all three girls foreheads. They all smiled.

Tengen cuddled into them. Tanjiro and Tengen had to go. Tanjiro said, "stay safe you three alright.. ". Makio cried softly into Tanjiro's hair. Tanjiro smiled ever so softly and kissed her forehead. Tengen smiled and they left.

Tengen picked up Tanjiro and sped off to the Harisha mansion and Tanjiro yelled, " Tengen!!!! ". Tengen was laughing hard. As they reached to the mansion they both entered. Tanjiro said, " you are sleeping on the couch tonight and I am telling Suma on you...". Tengen chuckled and kissed his head and said, "calm down sweetheart... ". Tanjiro turned red and hits Tengen's chest who was laughing.

After they came home. Tengen and Tanjiro yelled, "Suma!, Makio! , Hinatsuru!". They entered the room to see all three wives in bed... Dead. Tanjiro screamed in horror. Tengen looked so dull and cried along with Tanjiro, who was holding Makio's head. Tanjiro smelled the demon and grabbed his sword. Tengen did to. The demon appeared it was a girl with long black hair (not daki), blue eyes, and a slim body. Tanjiro wasted no time and sliced her head off and said, "you bitch... Those were my wives!!".

After that, Tanjiro was in tears as Tengen was holding him. They had just buried them. Tanjiro said, " Tengen... What are we going to do now... ". Tengen holds him and said, " I am gonna protect you... You are my husband/wife... I an yours and you are mine okay".

2 weeks after the wives died. (dude I am going to cry and I am the one writing this)

Tanjiro was locked in his room for 2 weeks now, he will come out to eat, but that was it. Everyone even Tengen was worried about him.

Tanjiro came out to eat. Tengen holds his waist gently pulling him towards him. Tanjiro said, "Uzui... I am not in the mood right no-...". Tengen said, " calm down just need a hug from my wife is all". "Husband Uzui... Not wife.. ", Tanjiro said. Tengen was silent because Tanjiro would laugh or turned red from calling him his wife. Everyone just left to let them work it out. Tengen picked up Tanjiro. Tanjiro yelped in surprise and said " Uzui... I already said I am not in the mood-". Tengen pushed him down on the couch pinning him. Tanjiro said, "Tengen... ". Tanjiro looked at him to see Tengen in tears and was a bit angry. Tanjiro said, " Tengen...? ".

Tengen kissed him. Tanjiro looked at him and kissed back. Tengen said, " There is my Tanjiro... ". " I am so sorry Tengen... I was selfish and-", Tanjiro said. Uzui said, "I never said you were selfish... You are in pain.. I just wanted my Tanjiro back...". Tanjiro blushed like a cherry and playfully pushed him and said, "Ahhh your such a baka!!!". Tengen laughed and turns them around and pulls Tanjiro into his chest. Tanjiro blushed and smiled and said, " I love you Tengen... ". " love you to my wifey..".

Shinobu just said, "Finally you made up"." A made out... ", Zenitsu said, who got a pillow hit in the face by a cherry looking Tanjiro. Tengen laughed. Tanjiro pushed him off of the arm of the couch and yelled, " Shut up Tengen!!". Tengen was still laughing.

Tanjiro was talking to Mitsuri. Later on, Mitsuri said, "come on out Tanjiro Uzui- Kamado". " No!! This is way to embarrassing", Tanjiro yelled. Mitsuri just pushed him out. He wearing what Tengen wears and was blushing. Tengen just snicker at him. Tanjiro said, "I am leaving and gonna die in my room from embarrassment". Tengen said, " Nope... ~". Tengen picked him and took him to his house, they haven't been at their house since their wives. Tanjiro was pinned down on the bed, blushing. Tengen said, caressing Tanjiro's thigh, " Baby~ you look so cute... ". " T... Tengen I-", Tanjiro started to say, but got cut off by a rough kiss.

Later, the next day, Tanjiro woke up in pain and smells food, he grabs Tengen's Haori, putting it on an see Tengen cooking eggs and bacon. Tanjiro said, "Hi... ". Tengen kissed his forehead and said, " hello sweetheart", Tengen said. They ate some food and Tanjiro sees his wives clothing and trys it on.

Later after an hour, Tanjiro screamed scaring Tengen. Tengen said, "what happe-". " my chest is as big as theirs!! ", Tanjiro looked at Tengen wearing Suma outfit. Tengen started to laugh so hard. Tanjiro said, " oh well this is my new outfit for fighting demons down so I look hot". Tengen did Tanjiro's hair and said, "You look cute babe...and I love you so much...".

Tanjiro came back from a mission wearing Suma's outfit and said, " Tengen I finished my miss-". Tanjiro sees everyone looking at him. Tanjiro said, "What? ". Tengen said, " trying to in more the fact you have the same chest size as Makio's". Tanjiro blushed and yelled, "TENGEN YOU PERVERT!!". Tanjiro was a cherry once again. Shinobu said, teasing, " new mission outfit... Cute". "Die!! ", Tanjiro yelled, walking off. Tanjiro said, "Tengen... Haori...please... ". Tengen smiled softly and hugs him. Tengen said, " You okay". "No I am not I am pissed off because dumbass demons here...", Tanjiro said, crossing his arms.

Tanjiro had moves his bangs and had his arms crossed. Tengen was trying to calm him down a bit. Tanjiro said, " I am just down Tengen just done with everything... I literally like give up... ". Tengen said, "Explain how you give up". " I just did!! I am tired of these damn demons!!", Tanjiro yelled.

They agrued and agrued. Tanjiro slammed the door as Tengen just walked off. Giyuu said, "Should we go". " who wants to go to my mansion ", Shinobu said. They all agreed even the master. 2 hours later, Tengen and Tanjiro still not talk to each other. Tengen sighed and knocked on Tanjiro's room. Tanjiro yelled, " Go away Mitsuri!!!". Tengen opened the door and said, "not Mitsuri... ". Tanjiro looked away, he maybe angry but his eyes were filled with sadness and love as soon as he saw Tengen. Tengen noticed the emotions in his eyes and said, " Babe... Care to talk about what happened...?". "Maybe... I am so sorry Tengen I am just too tired about... Well everything... I hate demons right now... But still me being me I pity them", Tanjiro said. Tanjiro was kind of in tears and looked up at Tengen.

Tengen sat next to him and pulls him into a hug. Tanjiro blushed a bit and looked up. Tengen said, " you should talk to me about something like this okay... ". Tanjiro nodded and said, " Sorry love... ". They kissed softly and holding each other in their arms.

The End
Word Count: 1209 words

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