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Tanjiro was crying badly in his room in the infinity fortress. Daki entered the room and said, "Tanjiro you okay?". " yeah I am... I promise ". Daki left the room and yelled, " Douma!! Tanjiro is crying!!!! ". Tanjiro opened the door and yelled, " No I am not!!!". Tanjiro entered the living room, with no one believing him that he was okay. Tanjiro walked off to the kitchen. Tanjiro felt 2 people enter and said, "What happened?". It was Douma and Daki. Tanjiro hugged Douma and was in tears. Douma said, " Shh~". Daki said, "What happened... ". Tanjiro said, " I- I can't say... I can't ". Douma said, " Tanjiro what happened... Was it your boyfriend... Tell us... ". Tanjiro cried even harder. Daki picked up Tanjiro to the living room and placed him on her lap and said, " What happened... ". Tanjiro breathes slowly, not aware of the other demons and just felt Douma and Daki. Tanjiro showed blood on his neck and was in tears. Douma said, " Tanjiro he did not... ". Tanjiro nodded ever so softly. The demons were silent. Daki was pissed and said, " Tanjiro you have to tell us when this happens... ". Tanjiro said, " I couldn't!! He said if I ever told anyone he would hit me or worse!! He said he would kill me or- ". Douma hugs him. Muzan entered and said, " what happened I heard yelling ". Daki showed Muzan the blood mark on his neck. Muzan said, " Tanjiro... ". Tanjiro was in even more tears and said, " please don't kill him... ". Muzan sat down by Tanjiro and said, " you need to break it off". "I can't... I can't...", Tanjiro said. Daki holds him tightly and said, " break up with Yuru... This is not right". Tanjiro said, "If I do... Please be there... It may not go well". Everyone nodded.

With Tanjiro and Yuru. Yuru said, "Hi babe... Did anyone found out". " No they didn't... Um... We should... Break up", Tanjiro was about to finish his sentence, but felt a very hard slap on his face and Yuru yelled, "What!? no... If you break up with me I will kill your demon sister and the Harisha.... I love you... ". Tanjiro said, " I-". Yuru was about to slap him across the face again.

Tanjiro sees Giyuu stopping Yuru's hand and Muzan holding Tanjiro's waist. Sanemi and Kokushibou with their swords out. Rengoku and Shinobu with a fake smile along with Daki and Douma. Obanai with his neck ready to attack. Mitsuri with a deadly glare along with Akaza, Gyokuu, Muichiro, and Rui. Yuru said, "Bitch!!! You told them didn't you!! ". Daki smirked and said, " I told the Harisha...". Tanjiro hid his face in Muzan's chest scared. Muzan holds his head and said, "calm down... ". Yurisho and Tamayo saw this and came over to them. Tamayo said, " My My... This is a problem". Yurisho holds Tamayo and said, "No m'lady". Tanjiro looked over to see Yuru's head to the floor and blood all over the place, he want to scream loudly, but couldn't. Muzan picked up Tanjiro and said, " calm down... It'll be alright dear". Tanjiro let tears slip down his face. Muzan put Tanjiro down and wipes his tears. Sanemi said, "Are you okay Tanjiro... ". Tanjiro nodded and feels the blood mark gone and said, " yeah I am".

(Basically if someone has a blood mark it means that they were rape or in abusive relationship, Tanjiro was in both)

A year later, Tanjiro and Muzan were now dating and were now just kissing. Tanjiro said, "Bye babe... Bye besties~". Everyone said, " Bye~~".

Tanjiro came back with a baby girl in his arms and said, "Muzan... ". Muzan said, " Yes Tan-... Oh... What happened ". " I found a baby with abusive parents... ", Tanjiro said. Muzan looked at her and said, " She looks like me and you". Daki said, "Omg she is so cute". Tanjiro smiled.

Okay this is long and I have a migraine

The End
Word Count: 652 words

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