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Tanjiro was fighting a demon not Rui just another lowermoon 5. Tanjiro was panting for air and groaned in pain as the demon sliced his arm badly. Rui was walking through the forest to see that it was his older brother and sees Tanjiro. Tanjiro soon cut off his neck and almost passed out. Rui caught him quickly and sees Nezuko and let's her out of the webs. Rui caught Nezuko. Rui took him to lay down in his room at his house.

Tanjiro soon woke up as Nezuko was still asleep. Tanjiro groaned in pain. Rui ran to him and said, "Calm down... Do you need anything". " do you have water...?". Rui nodded and grabbed him a glass of water. (Also Rui is the only human). Tanjiro drank some. Rui said, "Are you okay... I apologize about my brother". " your brother... H.. How you are only human... ", Tanjiro said. Rui said, " My family adopted me even as a human... And they respect my desion of being a human...". Tanjiro said, "I am sorry that I killed him... It was my mission and... ". " now now don't worry about it... He began to go crazy and killed a lot of humans who entered the forest.... ", Rui explained.

2 weeks later in the house, Tanjiro was talking to Rui. Rui was talking to him also. Tanjiro had gained a crush on Rui these 2 weeks. Tanjiro blushed a bit and said, " R... Rui can I tell you something ". Rui nodded. Tanjiro blushed even harder and said, " I have a crush on you... ". Rui blushed also and smiled softly. " I know... It was so obvious it was really adorable heh heh". Tanjiro blushes and huffed in annoyance.

Rui kissed him as Nezuko was just watching them and gags.

The End
Word Count: 306 words

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Also please requested any ship you like with Tanjiro I won't care what it is okay

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