IguSaneTan 3

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Tanjiro was bored and hanged down from his bed and senses another presence and looked up towards the door to see the Harisha. Tanjiro said, "What? I am bored". Rengoku chuckled at the red haired boy. Obanai said, "How bored?". " 12/10 of boredom...", Tanjiro said. Tanjiro sat up and sees Nezuko bursts in the door crying along with Genya, Inosuke and Muichiro. Tanjiro said, "Holy shit what in the fuck happened your four!?". Genya hugged Sanemi from behind. Sanemi looked at him and touches his head and said, "What happened". " Two- timing cheaters!!", Muichiro cried into Mitsuri's haori. Tanjiro was silent and grabbed his sword and yelled as he exists the room, "ZENITSU AND KANAO!! YOU TWO HAVE EXPLAINING TO DO YOU LITTLE SHITS!!".

Tanjiro entered to Zenitsu and Kanao making and said, "you little slut Kanao...". They both saw him and sweatdopped. Tanjiro glared at them and said, "You two are so fucking stupid for this shit!! Zenitsu!! Inosuke and Genya both came in crying!! Kanao!! Muichiro and Nezuko both came in sobbing!! What in the fucking hell is this shit!!". The Harisha was listen to them. Kanao said, "so what... It's not like you been cheated on...". Tanjiro was about to punch the shit out of her, but was stopped by Iguro and Sanemi. Tanjiro cried and yelled, "I WAS CHEATED ON AND FUCKING RAPED AND ABUSED!!! I HAD A BABY GIRL AND SHE DIED DUE TO THE ABUSE!!! IF I HEAR THAT YOU SAY YOU DON'T WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH!! I GIVE YOU A HARD FUCKING TIME!!!". Iguro was pushed out the door by Tanjiro, but Sanemi held longer. Sanemi pulled Tanjiro to him and said, "calm down baby...". Tanjiro broke down crying. Sanemi said, "shh~". Iguro came in holding his own hand to stop the bleeding Tanjiro cried. Iguro held Tanjiro's hand and said, "Shh~...". Tanjiro was in his chest crying hard. Sanemi glared at Kanao and said, "your a bitch and a whore... Heh...". Sanemi picked up Tanjiro bridal style after he passed out.

Sanemi set Tanjiro down on the couch and goes to Iguro and bandage in his hand and said, "you okay?". Iguro nodded and said, "he was so angry...". Sanemi said, "I can't blame him love... He was being reminded of his past...". Nezuko was by Tanjiro and fell asleep on him with Genya, Inosuke, and Muichiro. The Harisha left them alone to sleep.

Sanemi sat down and leaned against the wall. Giyuu collapse to his knees. Rengoku said, "Giyuu...". Giyuu let out a loud cry. Silence was heard after everyone heard Giyuu. Rengoku touched his shoulder. Giyuu said, "god damn it... I know his pain so much!! I know the abuse... I know the rape... I know the pain of losing someone or their child!! Yet this has to remind me badly... I tried so hard to fucking hide it!! To be strong for Tanjiro...". Rengoku pulled him to his chest and calmed him down slowly. Shinobu said, "Are you okay Iguro". Iguro said, "yeah I am... I can't be surprised... Tanjiro and Giyuu both had a similar past and they both try to hide it... They were gonna snap sooner or later". Sanemi sighed and leaned his head against the wall and said, " Your sister better watch next time Shinobu... This is mostly her fault that we are in this mess". Shinobu nodded and said, "I apologize about her... She seemed to change".

Tanjiro woke up and sees the others asleep and headed outside and sees the Harisha. Giyuu looked up and said, "Tanjiro". Tanjiro nodded slightly. Sanemi said, "you okay?". Tanjiro nodded and sat by him and said, "I'm sorry...". Iguro looked at him and kissed his forehead and said, "it's fine... It happens okay". Tanjiro smiled softly, but not really a happy smile. Iguro held his cheek and said, "I love you". Tanjiro said, "love you to". Shinobu said, "you okay now Tanjiro". "Yeah... I hadn't gotten that angry in awhile now that I think about it", Tanjiro said. Sanemi said, "as long as your okay...". Tanjiro nodded.


Tanjiro and Iguro were in their room chilling since Sanemi was on a mission. Tanjiro said, "I am bored...". Iguro smirked, took of the bandage and kisses Tanjiro hard and passionate. Tanjiro kissed back. Iguro sat up as Tanjiro sat in his lap. Sanemi came back and sees this and smirked. Tanjiro moaned as Iguro attacked his neck. Tanjiro sees Sanemi and was blushing hard. Tanjiro teared up from the pleasure he was receiving quite a lot. Tanjiro said, " W- welcome back... Ngh~ babe". Tanjiro moaned as he talked. Iguro stopped and sees Sanemi. Sanemi chuckled and went over to them and kisses Tanjiro. Tanjiro kissed back and wrapped his arms.

The End
Word Count: 800 words

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