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Tanjiro was talking to Mitsuri. Tanjiro said," He is to perfect!! Like why!!". Mitsuri said,"Agree I mean with my crush!!". They talked a lot. Tanjiro glares at Iguro and Zenitsu as they talked to Nezuko and Mitsuri. They both shivered. Tanjiro walked past them and sees Giyuu and the others. Tanjiro smiled and said,"Hey guys!!". "Hey Tanjiro!!", They said. Tanjiro had a mission with Tengen. Tanjiro had a mission back to his old house and was silent and as he got closer to the area he was scared to see his dead family once again.

Tengen said,"You okay?". "Yeah I am fine...", Tanjiro said. As they got there Tengen said,"Jeez...this place must been abandon for what 2 years or so...". Tanjiro looked away and entered the house. Tengen went with him. Tanjiro look around and sees a photo on the wall. He almost went to tears, but held it. Tengen sees the kitchen and said,"Dang what happened a demon killed this family so bad...". Tanjiro nodded and remembers the day he found he family slaughter.

Tengen looked at Tanjiro and said,"Are you sure your okay?". "Yeah I am fine...", Tanjiro said. Tanjiro looked to side where he had to dig there family he almost burst into tears, but stopped himself. He continued to look around the house and swore he can still smell the blood and his family scent. Tengen hugged him. Tanjiro said," Tengen?". "You are crying....what is wrong?...". Tanjiro cried softly and said,"This was my old house... I left with Nezuko when my family got slaughter by a demon...the area around with the crosses is my family's gave... I remember that day like it was yesterday when It has been 2 years now...". Tengen looked at him and hugs him and said,"Next time...say something instead of hiding it". Tanjiro nodded. Tengen said,"How about we clean this place up a bit". Tanjiro smiled and nodded.

They did that, they fixed the rooms, the whole building and cleaned off the dried blood and repainted the walls. Tanjiro smiled softly and so did Tengen.

They went back down the hill and goes back to the Harisha masion. Rengoku said,"Took awhile you two". "Yeah... sorry, we had to do something", Tengen said. Tanjiro said,"Thank you Tengen... Hope we get a mission together again...". They both smiled. Tengen saud,"Anytime kid...". They both walked away talking, hand in hand. They smiled and laughed. Mitsuri said," What happened on their mission?". Everyone shrugged.

Tanjiro said,"You are so damn tall...". Tengen laughed and so did Tanjiro. They kissed on the lips. Tanjiro laughed as Tengen kissed his neck. Tengen stopped and chuckled. They kissed once again and parted ways. Tanjiro smiled a bit and remembers his family badly. Tanjiro went to his room and cried hard. Tanjiro had his legs to his chest, had his head looking down, crying.

Someone knocked on the door. Tanjiro said,"Yeah!?". "Dinner is ready Monjiro", Inosuke said. Tanjiro said,"Okay...". Tanjiro wipes his tears and hid his face. After they ate, Tanjiro went back to his room and sighed. He went back to his room. Tengen entered the room and said,"What's wrong sweetheart?". Tengen shut the door. Tanjiro said,"Just missing my family so bad, I feel like I failed as a son and a brother to protect them, I couldn't stop Nezuko being a demon... I just... I feel a lot of guilt in my head, I just want it to be a dream... A really bad dream to wake up to...".

Everyone was outside of the door listening to what they were saying.

Tengen said,"Tanjiro... Your not a failure... did not fail as a son or brother... Your family is so proud of you, Nezuko is happy your alive and okay... She never lets her older brother get injured at all... I seen it with my own eyes... I know you feel like your in a really bad dream, but things will get better... I promise you... I will be by your side when no one else can...".

Everyone was just confused cause Tengen never said anything like that before. Just three words were heard from the two.

"I love you, Tanjiro", Tengen said, holding his cheek. Tanjiro smiled,"I love you to Tengen...". They kissed and broke apart. Tanjiro laughed as Tengen kissed him all over the face. Tanjiro got on his bed and said,"Cuddles? I wanna sleep". "Fine, but if we get caught I am blaming you...", Tengen said. Tanjiro said,"Fine...".

They soon fell asleep, holding each other close to feel each other.

The End
Word Count:788 words

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