GiyuuTan 3

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Giyuu had came back from a mission, with Shinobu who kept picking on him. Tanjiro saw how tired Giyuu was. Tanjiro went to Giyuu and jumps in his arms, "Hi~". " Tanjiro...", Giyuu said. Everyone saw this. Tanjiro smiled. Giyuu looked at him and smiled softly. Tanjiro sticks out his tongue playfully (which really means, "give a damn kiss"). Giyuu chuckled and kisses Tanjiro. Tanjiro kissed back. Everyone was silent and jaws on the floor. Tanjiro jumped down and said, "How was your two day long mission". " I got called a freak and Shinobu laughed... ", Giyuu said as Shinobu giggled at that memory. Tanjiro said, " you're not a freak, you are really cool, kind, quiet, hot... But caring... People are just misunderstood...". Giyuu was shocked at this and said, "How did I find someone like you?". "Fate?", Tanjiro said, giggling. Giyuu said, " still felt bad about when we first met...". Tanjiro said, "geez thanks for that Kanata hit...". "Sorry...", Giyuu said. Tanjiro grabs his hands and said, "not your fault... I pretended to be armed... Now I feel bad about the axe!". Giyuu looked and then burst into a soft gentle chuckle. Tanjiro looked at him and giggled. Tanjiro said, "oh! Right... Let me go treat your wounds". Giyuu nodded. Tanjiro grabs the medicine from Aoi. Tanjiro said, " have you been injured anywhere besides your hand?". Giyuu nodded and left up his shirt to show up a deep wound. Tanjiro looked at Giyuu and said, "shirt off... ". "No one can't say that bold without turning red", Nezuko said, blushing.

Giyuu took off his shirt. Tanjiro said, " I'll numb around the wound to stitch it up...". Giyuu nodded. Tanjiro did it and stitch it up. Giyuu winced in pain softly. Everyone was watching them. Uzui said, "Flamboyant". " tch...", Shinobu scoffer in annoyance and jealousy. Tanjiro finished up and said, "done...". " thank you Tanjiro...", Giyuu said. Tanjiro said, "Anything for my boyfriend..." Giyuu smiled and pulled Tanjiro into a hug. Tanjiro blushed and smiled. Giyuu said, "I love you, Tanjiro...". Tanjiro said, "

Love you to, Giyuu".

The End
Word Count: 349 words

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