SaneTan 2

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Tanjiro was sitting between Iguro and Senami and was angry slightly. Iguro said,"Stop pouting... And deal with it". "Oh shush!! I hate this...", Tanjiro said, crossing his arms angry. Tanjiro was listening to the master talking about the new comers. Tanjiro went silent as soon as he heard their names and looked down. Everyone noticed how Tanjiro went silent so randomly. Shinobu said,"Are you okay Tanjiro...". Tanjiro got up and bowed and walked off. As soon as he left. Senami said,"I will go check on him". Senami bowed and left.

Tanjiro was looking at the river and had a few years dropped down his cheeks. Senami said,"Oh this is a pretty picture". "Take a photo it will last longer..", Tanjiro said, in a mix tone. Senami went silent and sat by him and everyone was watching him. Senami said,"What happened as soon as the Master said the new comers names you went so silent...and just left not saying anything".

Tanjiro had a few more tears down his cheek and said,"S...sorry...but those is my ex and the other is his spoiled new girlfriend...". Senami said," Wait a are gay?". "Tch and...", Tanjiro said, glaring at Senami.

Tanjiro said,"Anyway... My ex was abusive and his girlfriend is a gold digger and my ex best friend...not such a happy past huh...". Everyone was just silent and shocked. Senami said,"Was you smiling...a fake?". Tanjiro said,"No..I only smile towards kindness thanks to Nezuko...even though she is still a demon... I am use to it though...".

Senami just looked away making a "Tch" sound and pulled him into a hug. Tanjiro was shocked and silent along with everyone watching. Tanjiro blushed slightly. And hugs him back.

Tanjiro smiled at Senami and kissed his cheek and said,"See ya Senami- Kun~ thank you for cheering me up!!~".

Senami blushed hard and said,"Damn..".

Tanjiro blushed and went to his room. As he got on his bed he grabbed a book about a demon and demon slayer gay love story. Tanjiro blushed a bit as he thought about him as the demon slayer and Senami has the hot white head demon. Tanjiro yawns a bit and falls asleep putting the book down.

Shinobu and Giyuu entered the room to see Genya and Muichiro on his lap. Zenitsu and Nezuko on his left side as Inosuke and Kanao was on his right side. Giyuu said, "This boy has a squad who is really cuddly". Senami said," has he woken up yet". "no... But your brother and Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kanao, obviously Nezuko is super cuddly" Shinobu said. Giyuu huffed and plop on top of Genya and smiles softly. Genya said, "Get off!!". Giyuu said, " Make me!! ". Genya tried to push off Giyuu but failed. Giyuu laughed. Genya said, " I will called Rengoku... ". " he would more likely join us... ", Giyuu said. Rengoku came and lays with Nezuko and Giyuu on his lap cuddling Tanjiro. They all went to sleep. Shinobu was shocked and silent as Senami said, " Scoot over assholes". Senami put Tanjiro on his chest and fell asleep. Mitsuri, Iguro, Tengen, and Shinobu just looked at them and said," Alright scoot over you idiots". Luckily Tanjiro had a master bed to fit everyone. I got find a photo of it but it's like

Tanjiro is on Senami's chest, Shinobu is on Mitsuri lap as Iguro was holding Tengen close to him. Zenitsu is clinging to Inosuke who is cuddling him. Rengoku was laying by Senami with Nezuko and Giyuu on his chest, Nezuko is in her small form. Genya and Muichiro was cuddling at foot end of the bed horizontally.

As everyone but Senami and Tanjiro woke up. The looked over at the sleeping two and thought, 'Should we move them... '. They just left and shut the door.

Senami and Tanjiro soon woke up and sees them cuddling. They both turn red and looked away from each other. Tanjiro got off and hides his face in his hands. Senami was also blushing and said, "... You are a cuddler". Tanjiro said, " S-Sorry... ". Senami looked at him and said, " Tch... Don't be sorry... I moved you onto my chest as everyone else came in to cuddle also... ". Tanjiro said, " o-oh.. ".

They got up and left to eat breakfast. Tanjiro sensed a demon nearby and shrugged it off since it was still daytime.

Later at Night, as everyone was a sleep. Tanjiro woke up due to hearing a crash sound and sees everyone still asleep. He left to see what it was and it was a huge demon with brown long hair and red and white eyes. He screamed in terror as the demon caught him and chocked him and pinned up to the wall.

Since Tanjiro's scream was loud they say Tanjiro being chocked by a demon. Senami looked at the demon and cuts off it's head, with a deadly glare. Tanjiro falls to his knees and coughing. The demon faded away. Senami went to Tanjiro and checks for any other Injuries. He also had a cut in his leg due to the demon throwing glass at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro winced in pain, Senami looked at him with an angry face, but in his eyes were scared and worried. Tanjiro holds Senami's neck as he picked up Tanjiro bridal style. Everyone was shocked at Senami's movements and thought, 'Dang he cares for Tanjiro
.. I mean we all do but this is different'. Tanjiro said, "Senami... ". Senami looked at him and said, " Shut up... ". Tanjiro groaned in pain badly. Senami touches his face softly and said, " Calm down... ". Tanjiro winced in pain. Senami kissed Tanjiro as he wraps the bandage the leg. Tanjiro was shocked but soon gave in and kissed back. Mitsuri had a nosebleed and fainted. Senami had roughen the kiss. Tanjiro broke it, pushing Senami away slightly. The bandage was wrapped the leg. Tanjiro was a blushing mess.

Senami and Tanjiro grown closer after that incident yesterday. Tanjiro looked up and sees a cloud, smiling softly. Senami said, " The new comers are here... ". Tanjiro nodded and holds Senami hand limping a bit. Senami picked him up. They went to the Harisha mansion. Tanjiro got sat down by Senami on his lap. Tanjiro winced in pain slightly. The new comers came in said, " Hello my name is Kota", the boy said. The girl said, "My name is Melissa". Tanjiro scoffed softly that only Senami heard him. Senami tried so hard to not laugh. Tanjiro bowed and said, "Senami-Kun~ can I please go to river". " fine... You child ", Senami said, picking up Tanjiro. Tanjiro said, " Excuse me... I am 16 years old... So I am a child". Tanjiro huffed in annoyance. The boy and the girl looked at them and was confused who the red head was.

Senami carried Tanjiro. Shinobu said, "So cute". " I wonder when they are going to date...", Iguro said, holding Gyomi's hand. Gyomi's agreed.

Tanjiro and Senami was by the river holding hands. Tanjiro looked down and said, "Ever since I met you... I thought you were just a jerk". "Gee thanks Tanjiro... ", Senami said. Tanjiro said, " But I changed my mind after we had to sit by each other... You speak your mind and say the truth... You may look angry, but in your eyes I see kindness I saw it last night... You looked angry, but worried and scared in your eyes... ". Tanjiro was blushing a bit. Senami looked at him and touches his face and kisses him ever so softly. Tanjiro kissed back. Senami broke it and said, " Don't you ever shut up? ". " Nope... ", Tanjiro said.

Everyone was happy, but two people. Kota and Melissa thought, 'TANJIRO KAMADO'. Tanjiro holds Senami's hand and said, " I love you... ". " love you to... Brat... ", Senami said, looking away blushing slightly. They kissed one more time.

They collided their foreheads together softly, Senami was holding Tanjiro's face softly. Both of them smiling softly
(photo above)

The End
Word Count: 1345 words

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