Chapter 32

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As I get up the next day, I take into account what's going to happen today.

Beta Brannum has challenged me to my siren position. If I win, I get to maintain my position and Brannum loses his position, possibly along with his life. If Brannum wins, he gets my position, along with all the powers that come with it, and I lose my position, quite possibly along with my life.

I take in a deep breath and exhale it slowly. I need to clear my mind. But as I'm heading outside my room, I'm stopped by half a dozen Kappas. "Let me pass," I order.

"The Alpha King has ordered you to stay in your room. He also ordered that if you try to leave, we are to act with as much force as necessary."

I let out a sigh of frustration. "Fine. But tell your king that I don't need him to protect me when I'm capable of protecting myself." I slam the door and flop back on my bed.

The clock is ticking and the challenge begins in three hours.

Three hours later, I'm standing in a dimly lit room, wrapping my hands up. Brannum doesn't want us to use weapons, which means I can't use my trident and he can't shift. To my side is a hallway that ends in a bright white light, which leads into the arena. I don't want to think about the consequences if I lose.

I eventually finish wrapping my hands and I walk in front of the hallway. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This is the man who killed Neri and my parents. This is my best chance to get revenge. I know how to fight and I know I can win this.

The speaker in the room beeps before the shifter starts talking. "Please step out of the locker room and into the arena. Good luck on your fight."

My feet start moving of their own accord.

Once I step into the arena, I'm met with a blinding light, along with the booing of spectators. As my eyes adjust, I take in what's around me. 

The arena is the size of a football stadium and the stands are filled with thousands of werewolves. The ground is covered in sand to absorb any blood filled. 

On the opposite side of the arena, the Royal Beta steps into the arena. The crowd erupts. Shouts and cheers fill the air as Brannum spreads his arms wide and hypes up the crowd. I cringe. 

There are two gongs of a bell and someone cries out, "Let the challenge . . . begin!" The crowd roars in approval and Brannum gets into a fighting stance.

As he circles me, I stand still as I take note of his moves. Judging from where he places his hands and how far apart his legs are, I assume he's more of an inside fighter than an outside fighter.

The Beta makes the first move by swinging a punch at me. I easily dodge it and whack him in the face with my foot. Brannum spins around to face me once more and wipes his mouth with his hand.

"Surprised?" I ask. Brannum's eyes glint and he lunges at me. I slide under his feet and pop up on the other side. As he turns around to face me, I land a solid punch on his face.

Suddenly, my legs are kicked out from under me and I fall to the ground. I curse silently and roll off to the side to avoid another blow. As soon as I get myself up on my feet, I feel something long and sharp dig into my back.

I bite my lip to keep myself from crying out and spin around to find the Beta with his claws out and an evil grin on his face.

"You cheating bastard," I hiss.

"I said no weapons. These claws are a part of me." Brannum's evil grin grows as he stalks towards me. It isn't long before he lunges at me again. I dodge to the left, but with my injury, I'm a bit slow and my right arm is scraped by the claws.

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