Chapter 4

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Mature content ahead that people might find disturbing

When I regain consciousness, I find myself tied up in a chair in an empty room. The floor is made of concrete and the walls are made of worn brick. There's not a door or window in sight for me to escape with. But even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to. These knots are expertly tied.

I rack through my mind, trying to put together why I'm here. Then it comes to me - Courtney must've brought me here while I was knocked out.

A clicking noise behind me registers as a door opening and I hear the soft clicking of shoes against the concrete slowly approaching me.

When the person comes into my view, I'm not surprised to see Courtney standing over me once again. She looks at me expectantly, as if she wants me to say something, but I simply stare back at her.

Finally, she gets tired of the silence and slaps me. I don't even bother flinching. She slaps me again. "Say something!" she yells.

I stare at her blankly. "Why . . . why am I alive?" I ask.

Courtney seems slightly taken aback by my answer, but answers me anyway. "We still have some use for you."

"And - and then you'll - you'll uh . . . you'll k-kill me?"

"No, but I'm going to make you wish you were."

Now I understand. She wants to torture me until I'm on the brink of life, until I want to live no longer. I want to ask why, but I'm too tired and I already know the answer.

I close my eyes and silently pray to the Moon Goddess for protection.

Courtney slaps me again. "Don't you dare fall asleep!"

But I ignore her and slip back into the darkness again.

When I open my eyes again, a familiar face is standing alongside Courtney. I let out a short breath of laughter. "Delta Rivers. I didn't- I didn't know you were in on- on this as- as well."

"I wasn't," he grunts.

"Then why - why are you um . . . why are you h-here?" I ask, my words starting to turn into a nervous stammer.

"Courtney made a deal with me. And I'm sure you have a use for me too."

I laugh un disbelief. "What?"

"Your father's debt to me. Don't tell me you didn't know?"

"I knew - I knew my father had done uh . . . done something with- something with you, but I - I didn't know . . . d-didn't know he was - was in debt."

"Well what would you do if I told you that you could pay his debt?" Delta Rivers asks.

"I would uh . . . I would tell my father to - to man up and . . . and pay his debt to y-you. My father's problems h-have nothing to do - to do with me."

"Oh, but you could clear them right here, right now." At this, Courtney starts to slink away.

My heart sinks. I don't think he's going to give me the option to say no, but I still say it anyway. "N-no. I h-haven't done, uh, done anything wrong."

Delta Rivers leans in close to my and unties the legs from the chair. "Oh, but you have. You disrespected the future Luna, didn't you?"

"It was . . . it was an - an accident. L-let me- let me go."

Delta Rivers's hands drift up to my hips, where the waistband of my pants are. "No. You are going to pay your father's debt."

As soon as I realize what he's going to do, I shake my head frantically. "No. No, no, no. Don't do- don't do this," I plead. "Please don't- don't do this."

"Oh, but I like this way," he says darkly, grinning like a madman and slowly bringing his head closer to me. 

The next few moments are all a blur to me. I'm screaming at Delta Rivers to stop, kicking frantically in an attempt to get him away from me, but it's all for nothing. I'm stripped bare in an instant, naked as the day I was born and thrown on the floor like a ragdoll. 

There's nothing but pain as he pounds inside of me. While I'm screaming in agony, sobbing, the bastard is relishing in his own pleasure. I curse the goddess as I sob loudly. I did nothing to deserve this.

After he finishes inside of me and pulls out, he leaves me curled up naked on the ground.

"Do you even know what your father's debt was?" he asks. When I don't answer, he decides to answer it for me. "Your father owed his life to me. But I think I'll take yours instead. It will be his punishment and a reward for me."

"Why m-me?" I whisper brokenly as I shield myself from his eyes. 

"I want your father to live with the guilt that his own daughter is suffering because of him." Delta Rives crouches down by me. "You also remind me of my late mate, so you're going to take her place."

Then, he stands up and readjusts his tie. "From now on, your name is Samantha. I don't care how many times it will take to break you into it, but that is your new name. Do not run from me and do not disrespect me. If you disobey me, I will take you in front of the whole pack, willingly or not."

Suddenly, his face morphs into a smile, one that scares me. "And who knows? You may even enjoy it."

My eyes widen and I can feel the blood drain from my face. "F-fuck you!" I shout. "You're sick in - sick in the head!"

But Delta Rivers just laughs. "You'll love me one day, Samantha. And you should know I don't tolerate foul language in my house, except for in the bedroom, so I suggest you shape up before you go around with that filthy mouth. And you also know that dirty things should be cleaned."

"My - my name isn't S-Samantha, it's - it's Harper!" I snarl. That earns me a swift jab to the ribs.

"Your name is Samantha!" he roars, losing his composure. I flinch away from him and he quickly recovers. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. You know how much I love you, I just get angry sometimes."

For some reason this scares me more than his outburst and makes me wonder if he killed his own mate in a fit of rage. "I'm sorry, Delta- Delta Rivers," I mutter, not wanting to fuel another outburst.

He sighs. "You know how much I hate it when you call my by my title. I miss hearing you say my name. Can you say it once for me, please?"

I sigh. "I'm- I'm sorry, S-Shawn." His name tastes weird on my tongue, like I'm not supposed to say it like this.

Shawn's face erupts into a smile. "Great Goddess, I've missed my name on your lips. I'll have you moved to my house tonight. You'll like it, I know you will. And if you don't, we can find another one. I'll make you happy this time, I promise."

And then he leaves the room. I lay on the cold concrete floor, broken and bruised, the tears starting to fall again. I wrap my arms around my naked body, hugging myself as I sob because there's no one here to comfort me. But it isn't enough to keep the dark thoughts and feeling of violation away.

And Courtney was right.

I do wish I was dead.

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