Chapter 41

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Six Months Later

I nervously twist my hair as I stare at myself nervously in the mirror.

My birthday will be at the palace this year, hosted by Cynthia.

I know Calix won't be there because he's away for diplomatic reasons, but the thought of him showing up to the party makes my stomach flutter.

After months of denial and self-reevaluation, I finally figured out that I like him.

Aurabella keeps telling me to confess to him, but I don't feel like it's a good time yet.

And speaking of the hybrid, she shows up at my door just a few moments later with a gift bag in her hand.

"Happy birthday!" she yells as she barges into my living room.

"Stop doing that!" I yell back.

She laughs. "Doing what?"

"Showing up unannounced."

"Why? Trying to prepare me for when you and Calix have-"

"Shut up!" I cry and throw a pillow at her.

Aurabella howls as she dodges the pillow.

After she recovers from her laughing fit, Aurabella asks, "Are you ready to go to the party?"

I tug on the hem of the blue one shoulder dress and say, "Yeah. Let's go."

After activating Aura's teleportation rune, I appear in my old room, where Cynthia sits waiting on my couch.

"Happy birthday!" she exclaims with a smile. Next to her sits a bag, which she hands to me.

I reach my hand in and pull out a large bottle of booze.

Aurabella gasps. "That's the good stuff!"

Cynthia grins. "Yeah it is. I got it specially for this occasion."

"Good moons, I love you already," Aurabella groans as she sits down next to Cynthia and holds out her hand. "I'm Aurabella, but you can call me Aura."

"I'm Cynthia."

"I know. I've been reading your letters with Harper."

Meanwhile, I'm looking at the booze. "How much did that cost?" I demand.

"It wasn't anything Henry's paycheck couldn't cover," she replies.

I gasp and put my hand over my mouth. "Oh my goddess. I thought I told you to keep me updated. Did something happen between you two?"

Cynthia smiles. "We had our first night together last weekend."

Me and Aurabella squeal.

"How was it?" Aura asks.

Cynthia looks to the floor, a small smile on her face. "It was wonderful. He was so sweet the entire time."

"Awww," Aura and I say together.

"What about you and the Alpha King?" Cynthia asks.

A shit-eating grin appears on Aurabella's face and she asks, "Yeah, what about him?"

"There's nothing going on between us," I mutter.

"Girl, you like him!" Aurabella exclaims. "And he likes you! That is something!"

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