Chapter 11

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I stare out at the ocean where the siren escaped. 

According to the people on the beach, when they told her to turn back, she bared her teeth and hissed at them. 

One of them stayed back while the others lunged at her. The girl that stayed back remembers seeing a strange smile on the siren's face before the chaos began. The girl told me that the water rose up like snakes and wrapped around her friends, lifting them up in the air. 

One of them howled, alerting the pack that the siren was there. The people continued to be held in the air as the siren went into the water. But as soon as the boats came, the siren let them go. The Kappas told me that they had her surrounded and told her to surrender. Then, the siren dove down into the water and they shot at her. 

My Beta walks up to me and I look down on him. I'm still pissed at him for executing the siren's parents without my permission. "Anything found?"

He drops his head and shakes it. "Nothing. No body, no evidence she was there. It's almost like she disappeared."

"Sir!" someone calls out. "Alpha King! We found something!" I snap my head away from the ocean and focus my attention on the Kappa running towards me. 

"What is it?" I ask. He quickly bows before pulling out a bag. "What is this?"

"Well, you see, Alpha King, there's a bullet in here. And with this bullet, we found scales."

I snatch the bag from his hand and take a closer look at the bullet. 

"What color did you say the siren's tail was, again?"

"Grey, my king."

I continue to look at the silver bullet accompanied by golden scales. I exchange looks with my Beta and it seems he notices the difference too. 

"Well done," I say, nodding at the Kappa. He smiles and bows before running off.

"Do you think she had help?" Brandon murmurs.

"Yes. With the amount of bullets fired, some had to have hit her. With that many bullets fired, she should be dead. And her scales were grey, not gold."

"Do you think it's possible her tail is bulletproof?"

I had already considered the option while surveying the scene. "I do believe it's possible. However, based on previous footage we've recieved, most of her upper torso is not covered in scales, leaving her vulnerable."

Brannum nods in agreement. "What else do you think she might be able to do?"

"I don't know," I admit. "From the other video where the trackers caught her, she was able to summon a weapon and defeat all of them, even though she was outnumbered. This time she was able to control the water. I have no idea what the extent of her powers are."

My Beta sighs. "There's no telling where she could be now."

I nod. "I know. That's why I'll send out an order to extend the search to span the world. I want every corner searched. She'll have to show herself at some point."

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