chapter five

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It's lunch time and I'm planning to eat outside. I pack my stuffs while packing Yuna came to me. "Where are you eating?" she ask, well i think i won't be alone anymore.

"Outside why?" i continue packing my stuff "Can i join?" she ask shyly "Is that even a question? Of course" i chuckle and grab her wrist we both ran.

"Wait!" we both stopped running when someone shout were not sure if he's calling us because there's also a lot of students running since it's lunch time.

I turn to see Haruto running with three of his friends "Haruto?" he stop running as three stops too "Where you going?" he ask.

"We're going to eat outside, why?"

"I'll come too"



Haruto join us no, not only him but with his three friends. It's 6 of us, were waiting for the food, the silence is loud the awkwardness giving glances to each other.

I clear my throat making everyone look at me. "Why do you wanna join us? it's not like i don't want it but you have your three friends with you" i ask haruto.

"Isn't it obvious it's because he likes you" jeongwoo immediately answer.

"Yeah, I saw him giving glances to you each time" Yuna added.

Haruto look away avoiding eye contact from me. The food finally arrive everyone is hungry.

After we finish the food the silence is back maybe everyone is full? Haruto stand up and Jeongwoo followed him, they went to the restroom.

My stomach hurts and i know where this go. I immediately stand up "Guys i need to go to the restroom too my stomach hurts" Yuna and Jaehyuk just nodded meanwhile Asahi looks like floating.

I went to the restroom and succeed my stomach doesn't hurt anymore. I was about to go back to the table but when I hear two boys talking it's sounds haruto and jeongwoo i took a peak inside  it's really them.

"So do you really like her?" jeongwoo ask.

"No" jeongwoo was shock on haruto's answer.

"Are you serious? You made us run just to catch her and have lunch with her you also bought her a necklace, not just a simple necklace but a couple necklace with her"

"No i.. i don't like her I don't know jeongwoo i... you know everytime i look at her eyes she looks lonely she's sad, so maybe that's why I'm doing this because i don't want her to be lonely of feel sad?" haruto said that made me angry.

"WATANABE HARUTO! are you idiot? She don't need your pity plus she's rich how can she be lonely?"

"Her mom is gone, she told me her mom died" his voice started to get loud. "She needs someone" he added.

"But you're not the one she needs"

So that's why he's doing all of this? He should have told me do not hope. I hate pity and i don't want pity i need love, LOVE.



"Okay class i have a announcement" Ms. Song shouted.

Everyone pays attention to her.

"Next week we're having a school camping but only for this section, our section only so please get ready for next week. I will send to the group chat all the things you guys need to bring because we're having some activity there and some important things for camping okay? "

" YES MA'AM " after tha Ms. Song left the room.

"You're coming?" Jaehyuk ask me.

"I don't know maybe dad won't let me" i said in a sad tone.

"Why? Tell him it's a school activity you should come"

"Are you coming?" i ask him.

"Of course i never get absent in any school camping, you should come-"

"Ellise" Jaehyuk was cut off by Jungwon.

"Hi president " i wave my hands.

"Are you coming?" he ask.

"I don't know, how about you?"

"I'm not I'm the school president remember? I have to sacrifice my happiness for my obligations i shouldn't leave the school-" jungwon got cut.

"Of course that's what president do right?"

Omg not now. I said on my mind.


I was putting some of my stuff on my locker when someone arrive.

"You're coming?" the voice sound familiar i stopped for a while and then continue what I'm doing.

"Did i do something wrong? Why aren't you talking to me?" i close the locker and ignore him he followed me everywhere i go until i stopped at the gym.

"Pity?" i said made him confuse. "I don't need your pity leave me alone" i gave him back his necklace and i leave him on the gym.

Tears started to fell down. He is the first guy who pity me.


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