chapter twenty three

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It's been two weeks since Yuna passed away until i still can't believe what happened. Losing someone you treasure the most and someone who's important to you.

I remember a place where i can calm my self and shout all the pain. The places where i say yes to haruto the unforgettable and memorable place. The place we went on camping when 5 years ago.

I took my car and pack some important thing i need to bring with me like foods, blanket because the weather is so cold and water.

I didn't told anyone about my plan because i want to be alone in a meantime. I need to collect those thoughts i have.

I drove to the forest. As i arrive i feel alone and i love it. I'm not use in being alone because haruto, yuna or jihoon i also talk all my problems to them but this time this is different i only have my self.

Jihoon is far and living his best life in canada. Yuna is gone, she is gone in this world. Haruto, we don't hear any update about him. After we broke up we haven't talked.

Five years and I'm still hoping and waiting for you to comeback. Hoping that we could watch the moon together and adore how beautiful the moon is.

I quickly went to the flower view and i remember those significant memories i made her with the people i love. I wonder how they're doing right now.

I sat on a big rock and taking a deep sigh. I started to collect ally thoughts i didn't notice my tears started to fall all i started sobbing.

This time no one is giving me a tissue to wipe my tears and no one is comforting me it's very different from what i used.

I saw a butterfly coming to me and i gave me hand so that a butterfly could land on my hand. "Are you alone too? We're same. I like being alone but i don't use to be alone I'm missing a lot of people"

Another butterfly lands on my hand again "I guess you guys are couple. Stay strong and promise not to leave each other, okay?"

"Promises meant to be broken..." someone said behind me with a deep voice.

I froze realising I'm not alone i got goosebumps and I feel scared the voice was so deep. The voice are not familiar to me.

I slowly turn my head to face the person.

As i turn my head and face him. This js is the face I've been missing for so long and the face i wanted to see.

Again... my world stop and i become speechless i never imagine i could see him here in this place.

"You came back...." he said in a low tone which makes his voice even more deeper as it is.

"I missed you..." i said and tears started to fell.

The butterflies from my hand fly away. Haruto came closer to me and cup my face with his cold hands.

"I missed you..." i said in a crack voice.

"I missed you more" tears fell in his eyes.

I hugged him tight as how much i missed him he hugged me back.


We decided to sit in back of my car. This moment I've been missing and wanting for five years. Holding each other hands and i rest my head on his shoulder.

"What happened to you? The guys said after we broke up you you're not joining to them anymore and you're always leaving what happened to you? What are you doing? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I should have asked you that. Yes I'm always leaving i also come here and waiting for you. I feel safe and comforted here i feep like i am with you when I'm here. Having no contacts with for five years of course it's not easy but when i come here i feel like i am with you"he explained.

I sighed "Actually i told dad i want to stay Canada for five years after you said you wanted a break up. I can't face you here i don't have courage to come back here in korea so i decided to heal in Canada. But, i can't, i realise that you're the one who can heal me"

"I am sorry" he said holding my hands "No need"i smiled at him.

" I also hear about Yuna and I'm sorry i can't show up. But i went to her house and talked to her mom"

"Her mom already fully healed but sadly Yuna can't and that's the fact i can't accept..."

"... ruto, please let's continue loving each other" i said looking at his sparkle eyes.

"Who said we stopped loving each other? We can rest but we can't give up" he said smiling.

Haruto went close to me and lean he closed his eyes and i closed my eyes too. Until his soft lips touches my lips. His gentle kiss giving me a butterflies in my stomach.

"I won't stop loving you " i said.

Haruto hugged me and his hug makes me comfortable. I always feel safe when I'm with him.


We both decided to back home and i also told him to apologise to the group for making them worry about him. Haruto suggested to drive back home since i am really tired, physically, emotionally, mentally everything i am tired.

But having him beside me makes me okay. I am so happy that he came back. Now i have someone to cry with.

Let's cry together, laugh together.

I called the group and told them to come to my house. We arrive at my home dad is still on work. The guys finally arrive waiting at me on the living room.

"I'll come in first, i didn't told them that you're with me. Please explain to them what really happened and say sorry to them you made us all worry" he cupped my face with his fingers and he nodded.

I opened the door and the guys stand up after i went inside. "Why did you call us?" Jeongwoo asked it feels empty really empty, Yuna i miss you.

I look at the door and the guys were confused suddenly haruto came in. The guys were speechless they didn't expect to see haruto and he's even with me.

"Ruto?!" jaehyuk shouted in shocked.

"How dare you show up" Jeongwoo ran to him and grab hi collar Asahi stopped him right away "You made us all worry and you even left us confused leaving us with no word. You didn't even show up on the hospital, how dare you came back!" a tear fell on jeongwoo eyes. I feel his pain i know it hurts i started to cry and the guys started to cry too same as haruto.

"Let me explain..." haruto trying to grab jeonwoo hand but me refused.


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