chapter sixteen

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It's been 2 moths since me and haruto started our relationship, i didn't told dad about our relationship because he's always busy and he always come home late and leave early.

These past months dad is not very strict on me suspicious because he just suddenly changed and he's not also beating me anymore.

Jihoon told me he is coming home so i plan to cook come of his favourite food. He is coming home by 11:30. It's 9:30 and i still have 2 hours to prepare for his welcome party.

Of course i don't trust my self especially in cooking so i needed our helpers help. Before i cook i need to buy some recipes the recipe left here won't complete the food. I called haruto to help me grocery and he is on his way.

"Love does your brother know about our relationship?" he ask while pulling the cart.

"Uhmm... yeah" i nodded awkwardly.

"Wahh really? why didn't you tell me? what did he say? did he like me or he told you to break up with me?"

"You didn't ask me. He is such a supportive brother I'm sure he'll like you, you lunch with us later so that you can know him more and you can talk to him"

"What? No. What about your dad?"

"Dad won't be there so don't worry I'll tell the helper that you're my friend"

"Okay I'll come" he smiled and nodded.

We brought a lot of groceries. Once we're finish haruto carried the groceries to the car. "Is this your car?" he ask putting the groceries down.

"No" i shake my head "it's my brother" he nodded "You drive to my house since you have a driver lisence" haruto went to the driver seat and i went to the passenger seat.

"Let's go" i set the belt and haruto started to engine.


We arrive at my house and i told haruto to parking the car. It's already 10:30 and i have 1 hour left to prepare for paji.

"Can you help me cook jihoon's favourite foods?" i asked the helper, this helper has been with us since paji was born she is the one who take care of paji and the one who raised paji.

We quickly opened some recipe and started to cut some vegetables. I called paji to check if where he is now. " Where are you now?"

"I just arrive at korea. I'll met my friends first and I'll go home after"

"Okay. 11:30 right?"

"Uhmm, is dad there?"

"Nope he's not here. Uh, plus haruto is going to join us"

"Okay i also wanted to talk to you, tell him i have a lot of questions to prepare for him"

"Don't scare him later you're such a strong man"

"Haha i won't. I have to end the call now my friends are here now"

"Okay take care and be home at 11:30"

"See you later"

After calling Jihoon i went to haruto who is sitting silently at the living room and watching some movie. "Jihoon is on his way" i could see the nervous in his face "Don't be nervous he won't eat you" i said and sit beside him "Ah plus if you're hungry there's a food in the fridge free to eat what you want" he nodded and i went back to the kitchen "Who is he?" one of our helper ask me "Friend" i answered not looking at her continue cutting the onions "Guy?" i looked at her confused "Why?" she smirked "Nothing. He's handsome anyway does he have a girlfriend?"

"Why? You already have a daughter"

"It's not for me but for my daughter you're same age as him right? and you're same age as my daughter to mg daughter is single he's perfect for my daughter"

"No. His parents won't allow him to date"


I nodded and finished all the onions. Haruto on the other side hear our conversation and chuckling silently.


The door bell rang and it's definitely Jihoon. The helper was about to go outside to open the gate but i suggested to open it. I went outside and quickly open the gate i see a tall man standing with a suitcase in his proportion i could tell 100% and I'm sure that he ks Park Jihoon.

"What are you looking at? Help me, aish" i took one of his suitcase and help him. "Wow the house hasn't change still the same" he said looking around "of course the house is waiting for you the house said you're the one who should change the house"

Jihoon open the door inside and put some of his suitcase and luggage on the sofa and then he saw haruto standing and bowed to him immediately.

"Hello I'm watanabe haruto" haruto said with nervous sound "Haruto this is Jihoon my brother, Paji this haruto" i stopped and went close to paji "My boyfriend" i whisper at him and he laugh silently.

"Nice to meet you haruto you're so tall" jihoon gave a handshake. "Ah thank you you're handsome" haruto compliment "That's because my sister is also pretty" haruto chuckled "take care of her" Jihoon whisper to haruto "Ey ey stop that let's eat first I'm hungry" i said and went to the dining table.

"Wow you cooked all of this for me? Wow daebak did you miss me that much?" Jihoon said in disbelief from what he saw.

"Ew just eat"

We enjoyed the lunch. Especially me, it's good that jihoon as back i am so happy tha he's back its been a while since he came back actually i don't remember when was his last back. Being with the two person that's important for me is enough for me, Jihoon, Haruto loved me and made me feel that i deserve the whole world. Also, I'll include Yuna she also made me happy and she's also one of the important person in my life.


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