chapter twenty five

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These day is calming, no problems, no troubles. Hanging out with the group, dad, of course with Haruto. We never forget to visit Yuna on cemetery every Sunday after church. Jihoon will be home in a hour with his girlfriend, he decided to introduce his girlfriend to dad and I'm so happy for him.

I told Jihoon everything what happened here. He decided to go bak here and live here with his girlfriend.

Life is not easy but having living with someone who want to spend his whole life with you makes you feel like is life is fun.

We have a school reunion. Jungwwon become an successful idol Tae-hee the mean girl become model and some of my former classmates is working some is in healthy relationship like me.

Jaehyuk - he owns one of the big company in seoul.

Asahi - is working in a big entertainment in Korea and he's composing music.

Jeongwoo - he become a successful singer in Korea.

Meanwhile me and haruto are planning to go to Japan. We've been planning to go there for so long. I have talked to his parents but in phone. His parents wanted to meet me so i am.

We were sitting at the table full of foods. Everyone is enjoying, talking to each other, we really missed each other. Ms. Song came with a long beautiful dress everyone started to clap.

Ms. Song chuckle over the microphone "Okay everyone stop" everyone become silent "I would like to welcome each one of you who came despite of busy schedule and some of you living outside the country still, you guys came home to attend the reunion. Let's have some fun and create a good memories. Enjoy!!!" everyone started to clap and shout over and over.

Haruto was sitting beside me on my right and Jungwon on my left." Wow you guys are so strong i can't believe you're still together, fighting!" Jungwon approached.

I nodded and have him a smile "thank you wonnie, are you still single?" i asked and he nodded "Yes, busy schedule making songs i have a lot of things to do I have no time to date" i face palm my self "Oh, i forgot you're an idol. Congrats won!" i hugged him.

"Well if you excuse me" he stand up and gesturing to leave and i nodded. I turn my face to haruto "You're so pretty" he sais in his deep voice "I know" i hugged him and he hugged me back.


Jihoon is finally home with his girlfriend. He introduced her to dad and of course dad was so happy for him, who wouldn't be? She's so pretty, kind, smart, and she's loveable.

We're having a family dinner. Dad, jihoon, his girlfriend, me and haruto. Now feels like home and i feel alive. I'm so happy.

After the dinner me and haruto talked to dad we have decided and we're ready to go to Japan. "So when will you leaving?" dad ask "Actually we already booked a ticket and we're leaving tomorrow" i said hesitating.

"Okay fine. I'll tell Jihoon to drive you to airport tomorrow, pack your things. Um, and i won't be see you off tomorrow so I'll say my goodbye here. Enjoy the flight and be safe" dad pat our shoulders and leave.

I looked at haruto and smiled suddenly my phone rings with no id this the number that have been calling me and also sending me a package. I didn't tell anyone that i came back home maybe this person saw me on the reunion?

"Hello?" i said and looked at haruto he knows that I'm scared he hugged me.

"Meet me at #8273street now" the person said over the phone and hang up. "Love" tears fell. "Everything's gonna be alright don't worry I'm here"

Jihoon, haruto and i went to the that place they won't lete go alone and i won't also go there alone. There's no poeple and the place is creepy. We saw a person standing over the three with hoodie wd couldn't tell if the person is girl or boy.

"Are you JN?"  Jihoon asked and the person moved. "Jihoo?" the voice sounds like a girl he turn her face to us but we can't see her clearly since it's dark and she is wearing a hoodie "We can't see you" i said in a crack voice.

She remove her hoodie and went closer to us so that we could see her face clearly. The moment we saw her face me and jihoon was shocked. We can't move we're speechless tears fell on our eyes. The person we did not expect to see.


JN is for JAEIN. My mom, she's the one who's been sending me the packages and calling me. She's alive!! Yes she is alive!

"Ellise, Jihoon my kids i miss you" she started to cry. I ran to her and hug her, Jihoon hugged her too.

Mom didn't die on a accident she was lost and he had amnesia after the incident it took her many years after her memories are back. She can't show up to us because she's not ready yet.

We brought mom home and waited dad to come home. Dad arrive and almost had heart attack after seeing who's person is sitting in the couch. "Hon" mom tears fell "Jaein?" his voice cracked.

Dad run to mom and hugged her. I know they miss each other dad is so strong he manage to live after his half left him. If i was in his situation i don't know to do, so I'll do my best to stay with Haruto. I looked at him and he hold me hands "Let's stick together till the end" i nodded at him and he hugged me.


We arrive at Japan. And haruto's parents were waiting for us in the car. After we left the airplane we went to parking lot and looked for his parents. A girl approached us she's so pretty "You're here. Wow is she your girlfriend she's so pretty. Hi i'm airi I'm haruto sister, omg you're so pretty. What did you like to my brother he's not even that handsome" airi teased "Oh hi. You're so pretty too"

"Eyy stop it. Where's mom?" he asked in Japanese omg his accent "Mom is waiting at you in the car" we followed airi. "Oh haruto!" a women ran to us and hugged haruto it's her mom she misses her mom so much "Oh hi ellise. You're so pretty, come here" she gave me a hug and i hug her back.

"Haruto you brought a beautiful young lady. Take care of her, tell me if he's hurting you okay?" haruto dad said and i laughed. "Dad, i would never hurt her"

Haruto's home is so pretty. I am so happy for him that he came back home i know how much he miss home, whenever we talked he always told me how much he miss home and now he is home.

We we're sitting at the terrace of their house watching the stars and moon. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" he said and i nodded "Yes it is"

I went close to him and press my soft lips to his lips. We closed our eyes, kissing under the moon. Feeling the cold air and enjoying the moment. I love him so much and i am ready to spend my whole life with him. His lips is soft as mine, his kiss makes me feel alive he always makes me feel alive. He let go the kiss and cupped my face still our faces is close.

"I love watanabe..." i sajd under my breath.

"I love you too my moom. Will you spend you whole life with me?" he asked and i nodded.

Haruto smiled making me smile too. He continue the kiss and this time it feels different my heart beat become faster and he's not being gentle anymore.

I hate regretting. But one thing i know that shouldn't regret is spending my whole life with the person that i love.

He is my first and last.

Thank you watanabe and I love you.


Omg i can't believe it's already the end of the story. I hope you guys enjoy thsi story and please tell me if you like it or not.

I need your suggest for the next member i should right a story.

If we reach 1K i'll make a book 2. 🥰

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