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I looked around the house but Fez wasn't here anymore, I'll look at the clock and it was 11:48 PM I'm going to see Maddy "Maddy, could you please take me home?"  I ask and she nods we go to the car together as we get out of the front door comes out Nate runs to us and shouts "Please come now!"  I say nervously and Maddy starts up and we leave I see Nate holding her head in the rearview mirror.  "what happened?"  Maddy asks me, "Can you pick me up tomorrow as you go to school. I'll tell you now. I don't want to talk about it."  I say and she nods and smiles slightly, I pull up my phone and write to Fez.

Ellie to Fez 11:40 PM I'm going home
Fez to Ellie 11:40 PM so soon? 
Ellie to Fez 11:41 PM at home I'll explain.

I'll write the last message and put my phone back in my purse "Don't you want to sleep with me today?"  Maddy asks me "Maddy I would like to promise Fez I'll come home, maybe tomorrow?"  I ask, "Okay, I'll be looking forward to you, bitch."  she says as they get out of her car "Me too Bye tomorrow at 7:20 AM."  I say and she nods in agreement and waves to me.

I walk home and see Fez sitting in the seat and watching TV. I hug him from behind. "Fuck, Ellie, you stink of alcohol."  he says and I start laughing "the night is long."  I say and sit next to him, "Now tell me what happened."  said Fez.  damn it.  "Well, you know, I slept with Nate. He thought I was a virgin, that I looked like an angel and not a whore."  I say, and Fez frowns, "Hey, calm down he was under drugs and alcohol."  I say  "Fine Ellie, but don't let it happen again or I'll kill him."  says Fez angrily "yes I'll go to bed good night, is ash In his room?"  I ask, "Yeah, good night Ellie."  says Fez and I walk to the door from Ash's room to knock it down and he opens "good night."  I'll say, "You're home soon, aren't you?"  says "I'll explain tomorrow now I'm too drunk and sleepy, good night ."  I repeat the last word "Yeah clearly good night Ell."  he says and closes the door.

I'll come to the room and put on my gray sweatpants and white top I'm going to the bathroom and I'm leaving, I'm checking my phone but nobody text me.  I'll write off and set the alarm to 6AM, put the phone on the bedside table, lie down on the bed, cover up and fall asleep.


I wake up again with the disgusting sound of my phone, turn off my alarm clock and get up and head straight to the bathroom, where I then wash my hair with strawberry shampoo and my body with strawberry shower gel.  when I'm done, I blow-dry my hair and curl it up.  I approach my mirror and start applying makeup, eyeliner, connector, highliter, lipstick, then I put on my lashes.  When I'm done I go to choose an outfit because it was quite hot I took white underwear, a yellow top which enlarges my breasts and white shorts.  I made my bag and put my wallet keys in it, and I put the phone in the back pocket of my pants.

I leave the room and everyone sleeps knock on the door from ashe to get up and go to school he still goes to starting school because he is 12 years old.  "Get up you'll be late."  I say and he starts rolling over "do it."  I scream from the hallway, he finally gets up and goes to the bathroom "try not to go to school and I'll kill you by hand in the afternoon."  I say "I love you too."  says Ash sarcastically "I mean ashy."  I'm wearing my white Nike Air Force 1 "Bye."  I say "Bye."  I hear it When I closing the front door as I go downstairs and Maddy is waiting there.

"Hi Maddy." I'll say and sit in the passenger seat "Hi Ell." he says with a smile, "I slept with Nate yesterday." I say "please don't kill me." I'll say, "you are the only person I wouldn't kill. I'm taking you as my sister, and I've already said Nate and I'm not together anymore." he says and reassures me "well he told me you thought I was a virgin and that I looked like an angel and not what a whore I slapped him and I left. Today he wants to talk at school." I'll say "wow you slapped him I admire you the only one he didn't start yelling at right away." Maddy says in astonishment.

we arrived at the school and went inside. Maddy accompanied me to the headquarters and I knocked and Maddy disappeared into the principal. Hello. the older lady says "hello I'm going to the principal." I say and she lets me in and leads me to the room "Hello, I'm Ellie Wons." I say and give the older man a hand, "Hello, Ellie, please sit down." he says and I'll do it "so you want to transfer to my school." he says, and I nod, "I'll ask your ID." he says and I give him my things ......

I'm very glad they accepted me here, I got my closet, textbooks and my schedule I'm going down the stairs and I just have a math. When I find my class, I sit down at a free table and pick up the phone and write to Maddy if she could arrange a cheer training for me. "Can I sit with you?" Nate asks "okay." I say and I'm still on my phone and I come to my gallery "sorry for yesterday." he says "fine." I say and continue to ignore him "Can you look at me?" he asks and I roll my eyes and look at him he gives me a light kiss "Nate I feel like yesterday was a mistake." I'll say he put his hand on my thigh "Don't say that again." he says and I nod at that moment the teacher comes to class "Thank God he came." I'll say to myself.


Wait! You are fezco's sister? {Nate Jacobs}Where stories live. Discover now