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I'm standing with Kat and Maddy at the locker "Is this Lexi game coming today?"  Kat asks "Sure."  I say "good."  Maddy says and smiles at me.  Cass walks out the door with a pink top and pink skirt, and next to her, Nate holds her hand and walks past "It's hard to keep my cool."  I say "well she certainly looks the part."  says Maddy hatefully and looks at us and we all laugh.

when I got home from school she wore white shorts and a black short zip hoodie.  I left the room and there was a boyfriend from Faye with us "is something wrong?"  I ask when I see Ash sitting on the couch.

"The fucking copak found mouses body." says custer and Faye drops the glass to the ground I quickly turn my eyes away from Custer and look at Faye "Sorry." he says and shoves and starts to collect the broken glass he looks at Fezco and puts a finger to his lips 'is he recording our conversation ?!'

Fez and I look at Ash and he looks at us too. Faye stands up again "did you hear what i said?" Custer asks. Fez just makes strange noises and leans his head against the wall "I thought you told me that Laurie killed Mouse, right?" says Faye "wha- i never said that. what are you Talking about? " says Custer confused "yeah, you know Laurie. The drug dealer that lives in The apartment complex off Kemper. Yeah, you were the one that told me she killed Mouse. " says Faye "I never said that." Custer repeats and Faye thinks for a moment, "Yes, you did." he says confidently "" What are you talking about? Are you high? " says Custer angrily, "you know that Laurie and those fucking people. They scare me. Why are you trying to protect them? " says Faye "Im not fucking protecting anyone. What The fuck is this? So, are you working for Laurie? " I say, and Custer looks at me quickly, just like everyone else in the room, "Hey, well! so how about you two just shut the fuck up! " Custer shouts at us.

"Okay, then why are you trying to cover up a murder that She committed?" says Faye and Custer laughs nervously, "all right, Now. think It's time for you to get outta here, big fella. " says my oldest brother "bro". We Gotta figure out what The fuck we're gonna say. " says Custer and Ash get up and move closer to Custer "okay this is becoming a fucking issue." says Custer "wait Ash! Ash. " Ash! I say to Fezco but it was too late Custer had a knife stuck in his throat and I covered my hand so I wouldn't scream. I went to Faye and hugged her. Fezco covered Custer's mouth so the cops couldn't hear it. I pull away from Faye and look at Ash and walk towards him. I point to the phone and he hands it to me. I go to the glass and throw the phone into it.

Fez walks over to Ash and hits him in the face "Hey chill bro!" I say angrily "Im Sorry, but we have to make it look like you ain't do this. Just get out, man. The cops are gon 'kick down that door any second, bro. " "Even If they know that you did this bruh... Im still gonna go down conference." says Fez and he grabs both of us by the shoulder. we both nod to the disagreement "no." says Ash "no please." I say "come here." he says and hugs us both "listen to me. Just go out there And surrender. It's all on me. You hear me guys? " Fezco asks "no." says Ash "they gonna come In here. they gonna find me with the knife In my hand. Tell 'em you had nothing to do with this shit. " says Fez and we both disagree "LISTEN to me! I did this shit! " shouts Fez "i killed this muthafucker. you hearing me? Not you. " says Fez, trying to get us to give up "well, well." I repeat "come on, now go wash your fucking hands," says Fezco "i love you bro." says Fez "please don't do this." I say when a tear flows down "I love you sis." he says and puts a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too." I say to my older brother and go to Ash, "Okay, take your weapons and give them to me." I say as Ash hands me "you want to help me." says Ash "I won't leave him alone." I say and take his weapon from his hands. We leave the room and go to the bathroom "Ell! Ash! stop playing! I need you to walk out this fucking door right now! Hey, we don't doing this shut, man! " screams at us Fez I put my guns in the tub and Ash hands me his "how do you think this gonna end? Ellie are you trying to die? " Fez asks me and I look at him "we want to help you. I don't want to leave you alone, so yes, I'll die for you. " I say and wipe my tears "give me the gun ash." says Fez. Ash nods in disapproval and I see a tear flowing to him "ash, im not finna let nothing happen to you now. give me the gun. " beg Fez „im not fucking asking. bro. " says Fez and Ash's tears flow more "I love you." I say when tears run down my cheeks. We hear a blow and Fez turns quickly "they're here." I whisper to be heard only by Ash he nods "I love you." Ash says and closes the door. We hear the sounds of a broken window. I quickly get in the tub and Ash too. both gun chargers "Ellie, Ash!" Fez yells and bangs on the door "come on, come out!" Fez shouts "Ell, open the door!" repeats "don't shoot, don't shoot! There's a kids in there! " Fez yells at the police and repeats these words "Ellie, Ashtray, come outta there!" shouts Fez. something is screaming there and tears are still flowing down my face someone will shoot and Ash is scared and the member will shoot too. they shoot at us and I'll start too. their a lot so I both push "fuck." I whisper "ASH!" shouts Fez. Ash starts firing again.

Everyone stops shooting and Ash and I get our gun chargers "don't shoot! Ash, Ell come out. " Fez yells at us and you can hear in his voice that he is crying "please! Ash come on, please! " repeats Fez "don't shoot! It's a fucking kids! " Fez yells and cries "Don't shoot, Ash." I say and look at him. he doesn't listen to me and shoots me. I'll start shooting "ASH!" Fez shouts very loudly and the police start firing even more, literally sorting out the bathroom "come lie down on the ground we'll make us dead." Ash says and grabs my hand. we both lie down and one of the police opens the door "they're down." the police officer shouts. Ash picks up his weapon and shoots him. The police will fall to the ground and I will also sit down. I see Feze lying on the ground and Ash must have shot him bleeding. the other police aimed a gun at us and we both know it's our end "I love you Ellie, Fez." says Ash when he grabs my hand "I love you Ash, Fez." I say when a tear runs down my face "well, well" says Fez when he looks at us, and the last thing I hear is that Ash was shot and me right after.

I was wondering if I should do Ell to come to the Lexi Theater and beat Cassie, but I don't like this story anymore, so I decided to do another one and Ell and Ashtray would die in this story.
The next story will also be about Ashtray or Javon. 

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