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"I'm sorry." I say and smile "why are you apologizing." he asks "I just don't know if it's good that I'm kissing you I've known you for barely two days." I laugh and he joins me, "Yeah, and we slept together the first day." he says with a laugh, and I said, "We were drunk." I lift my finger "true." he says and we laugh together.

Nate chose a movie we were lying and doing nonsense, I'll take my phone in my hand and take a picture together, then lean it against the closet Nate stand up and I'll jump on his back, then we repeat the same thing just touch his bare chest, we look at myself and we laugh that I really liked the photo, I saved it and I fell on Nate's bed again.


it was 6AM and I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom I'll rinse my face with water I'll fix my ponytail and go back to bed, Nate is still asleep, "We have to go to school, and I still need a home." I say and shake him lightly and he's still sleeping "Nate." I say a little louder but he says nothing, I give him a kiss and he starts cooperating after a few seconds when I pull away from him I sit on the bed "isn't there another way to wake you?" I ask "I didn't sleep just waiting for you to give me a kiss." he says, and I laugh, "you bastard, we have to go to school and I still need to get home." I say Nate nods up and goes to the closet, I take off his shirt I put him on the bed and I'm just there in thongs I go for my bra and I put on her, and then I also wear clothes, shoes last, I look back at Nate and he is wearing his blue hoodie.

Nate drove me home and I changed there and he waited for me outside. I'll take a quick shower to wash away my sweat, I adjust my hair, I put on a light orange crop top that surrounds my l breast and makes them look bigger and light blue shorts with a high waist, shorts end up terribly under my ass, so when I bend over, I see half of my ass 'I'd rather not bend today.'  I think, I'm wearing my white Nike Air Force 1, i take my backpack and I go back to Nate and get in the car.

We come to the school parking lot and Nate parks, turns off the engine and I look at him and he kisses me, we were like a fucking couple but we just like it when our lips touch, he pulls away and puts my hair behind my ear "what lesson do you have now? "  he asks "algebra, you?"  I ask "chemistry."  he says and we both get out of the car and go to school together, we split up at the locker and I see my best friend.

"Hi bitch."  I say and Maddy turns to me "hello slut."  she says and I hug her, I open my locker and take schoolbooks to Algebra "what lesson do you have now?"  I ask "algebra."  he says and I smile broadly "me too."  I say, she smiles too in her mirror what she has in the locker she adjusts.

We come to class together and sit down to the last benches next to each other, we're both on the phone.


I and Maddy, Cassie, Bb sit in the dining room and eat our lunch. "Look, what about you and Nate?"  Bb asks. I laugh uncertainly and look at Nate, and I see he's still looking at me. "Well, we're just friends."  I say "I saw you in the car kissing today," Bb says suspiciously "Umm it wasn't me. I came by bus."  I say and I blush "you bitch why didn't you tell me!"  Maddy shouts that maybe everyone in the dining room will turn to us, I'll cover her mouth and we'll all start laughing.

"Let's talk about Cassie and McKay."  I say and I try to change the subject I don't want to talk about me and Nate right now, I look at him and he looks at me again I smile and look away at the girls, I don't even know what they're talking about anymore "So youre basiclly In a long-distance relationship. "  says Maddy and Kat joins us "well, We like FaceTime every night."  says Cass "aww that's so cute."  says Bb and I join her "you guys are full-on In love."  I say "Oh, my god.  Stop!"  Cassie tells her it's probably annoying "We are not In love."  defends Cassie "But he did invite me to spend the weekend with him."  Cassie continues "like, the whole weekend?"  Maddy asks "yeah, like friday and saturday night."  says "wait, is your mom gonna let you go."  I ask 'it dosen't matter.  I'll just kill her In her sleep If She dosen't let me. "  Cassie replies to me "sounds like true love to me."  says Bb "Whatever.  She can't stop me. "  Cassie says annoyedly "Honestly I love your mom."  says Maddy and I look at her weirdly, "Yeah, well try living with her."  says Bb "her mom understands everything and lets her go anywhere but she also has some orders."  Bb explains to me because he notices my weird expression "Do any of you guys know How Bitcoin works?"  the executioner asks "Hmm, no."  "No."  the girls reply, "I don't, but my younger brother Ash knows a lot about it."  I say and get up and go take the rest of the food "thanks, Ell."  Kat calls me and I just smile at her.

Wait! You are fezco's sister? {Nate Jacobs}Where stories live. Discover now