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"Fuck God she left." I say and lie down on the couch I was sitting on 3 minutes ago and out of nowhere Fez's phone starts ring "fuck." I say and sit down, we both look at each other. He looks at the phone and so do I. then he goes back to the phone and picks up the walkie-talkie. "Hey ash, they're here." he says and puts money in the bag, walks over to me and pulls a gun out of his seat and puts it to him on the other side I look at him with wide eyes.

"So this is your little bitch?" the tattooed guy asks 'I have to say he is afraid of him' "nah, bruh, thats my little sister." says Fez "Well, hello, there, little sis." He says and shakes my hand I'll give it to him and he kisses my hand 'it was disgusting' I say to myself "my name is Mouse. It's a pleasure to meet you. " he says and tries to be friendly. he gets up again and I look at Fez "Yo, Custer, toss me that bag." he says and yells at some guy, he throws him the bag he wanted.

"All right, check it." says Mouse starts unpacking a lot of drugs while saying how much there is. I see Ash standing there and one boy starts counting it all "7,750" says the boy I look at Fez and he also looks at Ash and he had a very unpleasant look on his face. he throws money at that guy and he throws it at that guy "sure you don't want no Fentanyl?" asks Feze "nah, man, Im cool off that shit. Theres too many ODs And i dont want the hear. " Fezco rejects his offer "how about you, little sis? You ever try Fentanyl? " he asks me "no." I say and he sits down next to me, "Well, she's a good bruh." says worried Fez, he puts his hair on his side "gonna let big brother talk for you?" he asks 'and it's starting to shit on me' "look I don't want anything I'm like he, I doesn't take so much drugs." I says but of course I lie "fine I won't force you." he says and puts his hands away. my eyes begin to fill with tears 'I don't like such people I'd rather take a gun and shoot them.' Fez notices this and the guy gets up and leaves. Fez gives something to Ash but I don't listen to what he said I just sit there and let my tears run down my face.

Fez sits down next to me and I look at him, "When that guy comes here, I don't want to be there."  I say and Fez nods and pulls me into his arms.  I pull up my phone and I see Nate wrote to me. 

Nate to Ellie 5:10 PM I'll pick you up at 6:30 PM
Ellie to Nate 5:26 PM okay. 

I  write back and put my phone back in my pocket Wipe the tears "I have to go get ready."  I say "good."  my older brother smiles at me.

I go to the bathroom and shave my legs and the others.  I wash my hair and body when I'm done I blow my hair out and keep it straight.  I go to the mirror and apply makeup, plugs, mascara and eyeliner with a little glitter.  when I'm done, I go to my closet and choose a black dress with a back closure and long sleeves.  I look at the clock on my phone is 6:20 PM I take my keys, my wallet and my phone.  I put on silver heels "Enjoy it Ell."  says Ash "Thank you."  I smile and I disappear behind the big door.

I go outside and I can already see Nate's gray car on our driveway. I'm sitting in the passenger seat "Today it suits you."  he says, I have to say that he doesn't look bad either, he's wearing a gray hoodie and jeans, I lean towards him, he kisses me and grabs my neck to prolong our kiss.  he starts the engine from the car and we go to his house.

We will arrive at his big house.  we both get out of the car and he grabs my hips "are you ready?"  he asks, "you're saying it's like I'm dating you and now you're going to introduce me to my parents."  I say and we both laugh.

he unlocks my door and we go inside together, we take off my shoes and Nate grabs my hand and goes with me to the kitchen where his mother and dad are "Hi mom and dad this is Ellie."  says Nate "hello."  says his mother and goes to hug me "hello Im Ellie."  I say when I hug him and shake hands with his father.

"Call me Marsha."  says Nate's mother, "Call me Cal."  says his father and I nod with a smile in agreement, "Come on, I've already prepared food."  Marsha says enthusiastically, Nate grabs me by the side again and goes to sit with me.

Marsha gives us food and we start eating.  "Ell, we have an older son, but you need to meet him in college next time."  Marsha says "and what's her name?"  I ask, looking at Nate, "Aaron."  says Nate "are you staying here for the night?"  Cal asks "I actually wanted to go home for the brothers."  I say "do you have brothers?"  Marsha asks 'fucking yeah I have two amazing drug dealers right?'  I feel like saying, "Oh yes, Ashtray is younger than me and Fezco is older than me."  I say and look nervously at Nate and we both hope she doesn't ask what they're doing "and how old are they?"  asks Cal this time "Ash is 12 and Fez is 18."  I say "you're 17, aren't you?"  Cal asks me and I look at Nate weirdly. "Yes."  I say suspiciously "Actually, Ell could stay here, don't you think."  Nate adds to the conversation "Yeah it would be great anyway we're busy and we won't be home."  Marsha says "I'll make a nice deal with my brother."  I say and put the last piece of food on my plate in my mouth.

we'll help Marsh with the dishes and clean the table "thank you for your help."  Marsha says "it's okay mom."  says Nate "we'll go to our room."  Nate continues, "We're going to work well for me."  Cal says and takes the car keys "Bye Ell."  says Marsha and hugs me again "Bye Marsha."  I say "Bye Cal."  I say "Bye."  Cal says and he leaves with Marsh. 

Nate grabs my hand and follows me upstairs, leading me to his room, "you want to sleep here."  Nate asks, "I'll write to Fez."  I say and pull out my phone. 

Ellie to Fezco 7:15 PM hey I'll sleep with Nate today tomorrow morning I'll be back. 
Fezco to Ellie 7:15 PM fine take care of yourself. 

I'll hide my phone "Yeah, I'll sleep here."  I say and Nate smiles contentedly at me, "I didn't wear my pajamas."  I say "I'll lend you my shirt."  he says and I nod he hands me his white shirt I'll take it "you unzip my clothes please."  I say and he unbuttons my dress, I take his shirt and I go to his bathroom where I then undress and put on his shirt and I wear my red lace thong and put my hair in a ponytail because I had a rubber band on my hand. 

I leave the bathroom and Nate is already disguised, He is wearing sweatpants but He is not wearing a T-shirt, He is lying on the bed looking for a movie.

I take my phone and put it on the bedside table and lie down on Nate's big bed.

"What do you want to look at?"  Nate asks me and I bite my lip and kiss him.  I had to make it look so sexy when lying without a shirt on the bed.

Wait! You are fezco's sister? {Nate Jacobs}Where stories live. Discover now