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After the weekend, school came again. I spent the weekend with Cass and Maddy. one day we were at Cass's and the next Maddy and I were watching little Theo.  Maddy was babysitting.  I depended on Theo, his life had a luxury home and his mom was very nice.  I've been at Maddy's all weekend, but I had to go home with Fez yesterday.  I let it be even though I'm still mad at him.  Today I wore a white skirt and a light pink top.

I come to the school toilet and see that there is Maddy, Bb and Kat "wait, you're telling me Ethan tore your clothes off and fucked the shit out of you?."  says Maddy.  Ethan is a boyfriend from Kat.  the boy is very cute.

"Yeah its great." Says Kat „wow." Says Maddy "go Ethan!" I say together with Bb.

Class started, I had her connected to the Rue so we talked about Nate.  in fact, he should come to school again tomorrow, but I have no idea if he'll feel like it.


After class I had cheerleaders but Cassie didn't show up today and Kat and I saw her today.  So I had to replace Cassie.  I arrived home after school. I forgot to mention that Faye is with us. She had an accident and the police are looking for her

Ashtray didn't talk to Fez, and I don't really know why.  I sat down at the table and ate my cereal "Maddy is coming today."  I say, "Okay, I still have a shift at our store today, but I need her to come tonight."  says Fez "at what time?"  I ask "at 7PM" he says and I nod and I go to my room and I pull out my phone.


Maddy and I painted each other, "I'll try to call Nate."  I say and turn on the call.  it rings for a long time and nobody takes it, so I try to turn on the call from Cass, she doesn't take it either.  Maddy reassures me, "I hope so."  I say.  Maddy knows very well that if Cass has anything to do with Cass, I'll rip out all her hair.

Maddy and I tried to call them yet, but no one took it, so we took funny pictures and made videos, and I watched Maddy accidentally fall out of bed when she laughed.

We have a really good relationship with Maddy we are like sisters because neither she not have sisters so we have ourselves.

I escorted Maddy home and then went to see Fez because he wanted me in my shop, I would sit next to Fay and I'm on the phone going through the "Lexi Howard."  says Fezco and I have to take my eyes off the phone and notice the brunette standing at the freezer "Hi."  says and smiles "How you doin '?"  Fez asks "Im good."  she says nervously and notices me and Faye and Faye and I wave to her "Hi, Im Faye."  says Faye "Im Lexi."  Faye answers and I stand up and hug her and sit back next to Faye "are you guys..." Lexi asks.

"Yeah, no, she's just stayin' with me for a bit but she's cool though." says Fez "yeah she is."  I say and smile "I feel like Fezco fell in love."  I whisper to Faye, "I think so."  whispers me and they both smile, "What brings you out here anyway?" Fez asks, and I get up and go back to Ashtray. "Hey, our brother fell in love."  I say and laugh "to Lexi?"  he asks "yes."  I say and we both laugh, I'm the only one Ashtray talks to.

I sat down in a chair next to Ash, "What about you and Nate?" Ashtray asks, and I smile, "Well, at the New Years party, he kissed me before Fez beat him." I say and in the last 2 words I dropped with my voice.

"Is he okay yet?" Ash asks, "Yeah, he should come to school tomorrow." I say

I noticed that there was something in our store Cal was picking my eyes. I looked at Ashtray. I knew there was something wrong and so was I. They said something to each other but I didn't hear it very well just asked if it was Fezco's shop. Cal reached into his pocket and Ash took the box with Cerealie and started looking for a weapon in them, looked at me and I nodded in agreement if something happened let him use the weapon. Even though he's Nate's dad, my brothers are more important to me.

I kept looking at Cal and took the money from my pocket, put it on Fez's counter, and he left. At that moment, I was relieved, afraid he would have a gun in his pocket. I looked at Ashtray and he "it could have been worse for me." I say "what did he want?" Ash said, "That was Nate's father." I say and Ashtray it's all happening.

After an hour i decided to go home.
Ellie to Maddy 10:23 PM hey you might come to my house i need to talk to you.
Maddy to Ellie 10:25 PM fine, I'll be with you in 10 minutes.

After the shower I wore a green top and white shorts.  When I got dressed at that moment, she came to Maddy's room and quickly closed it and leaned against the door.  "Then speak, honey.  What's happening?"  Maddy says worried "Well, today I was in the shop with Fez and Cal came.  For a while it looked like he was going to shoot Fezco there. It was really weird he probably knows Fez beat Nate. "  I say "Damn Cal has always been weird and you know what I have the day Nate and I broke up. I took a DVD from his house."  he says and sits down on the bed next to me "what was on it?"  I ask, "Jules and Cal fucked together and Cal filmed it."  she says and I look at my best friend in shock "Cassie was very weird at the New Year's Eve party and I noticed that after you left with the boy she came out of the toilet but I didn't see her enter."  I say "what the fuck?"  says Maddy "it's very strange."  I say "will you sleep here?"  I ask, and Maddy nods, "You'll lend me my clothes."  she asks.  I go to my closet and give her a light blue top and gray shorts like mine.

"Actually, watch out, Nate never cheated on me but once he hurt me he grabbed me by the neck very hard and I had big bruises."  warns me Maddy "Don't worry Maddy will try to touch me and I'll shoot his dick."  I say and hand over the joint Maddy she laughs while "Nate wrote it?"  Maddy asks "he's actually going to go back to school tomorrow."  I say "I saw his car driving somewhere today."  says Maddy "really?"  I ask and she nods 'where could he go?'.


Wait! You are fezco's sister? {Nate Jacobs}Where stories live. Discover now