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the next day I spent with Ash and did homework, Maddy and the executioner went to the mall, Maddy asked me too but I refused I wasn't in the mood.

I'm so sorry I want to skip it all and the story will now take place in 2s euphoria, please don't be angry, you broke up with Nate because you both decided to take a break and then come back someday. And New Year's Eve is coming.

Do you want to hear my whole story?  in fact, he is exactly the same as Ash's, Ash is my brother, and Fez is our adoptive brother. Our parents gave us up and were raised by Fez's grandmother.  Fez's grandmother is the best person in the world I love her, she always helped me with everything, even though sometimes she didn't raise us as she should, we are still grateful to her for it all.

When our grandmother got sick I decided to go to my aunt, who was really an alcoholic and had problems with anger. And now I'm here.

I'm in my room wearing black dress with long sleeves, the dress ends under my ass and the dress is very tight so my curves stand out more and black boots with high heels. When I hear screams I know that there is a mouse again and so I take my pistol, which I have possibly stored in under the bed in the box, and I leave the room and go slowly to the living room which is connected to the kitchen.  I see Ash holding a hammer and a mouse lying on the ground and his guy moaning in pain.

"What The fuck ?!"  the running boy shouts "fuck."  I say and Fez and Ash turn to me, "bro What The fuck... man."  says Fez and keeps saying, "Ash, this isn't okay. You don't have to do this."  I say, I don't want my younger brother to do this.

"I'm sorry, Ell."  says Ash and I nod to forgiveness and hug him "we have to go, you're going too."  says Fez "what about him."  I say "we'll get rid of them."  Fez answers and I nod.

We got rid of the guys, and on the way to see some of Fez's friends again, we saw Rue getting in the car and driving with us. Rue and I sang to a song that was just playing in a car.

"Yo, It's up here on The right."  says Ash and Fez drives.  I laugh as Rue sings and I see Ash charge his gun I'll do the same thing "fuck you have a gun too?"  says Rue "for our safety."  I say and Rue sings vic out loud.  Ash and Fez can see that they don't mind Ash looks at me and I laugh but he doesn't laugh "yo, can you tell her to shut the fuck up?"  Ash asks me "Yeah Rue you Gotta chill out back there for real."  says Fez and I lean on the seat "Fez a ash gotta handle some serious business right now."  I'm telling her to make sure it's not funny anymore.

"Yeah for sure.  no i can do that. "  says Rue and is out of silence 'thank god'.  we arrive at the parking lot and I see a woman in a skirt, a top with a blue handbag and she has blond hair, next to her there is a guy around her nose paintings she is wearing a black and white t-shirt and blue jeans "what the fuck is this bitch?"  I ask and Fez stops and gets out of the car.

he's talking about something, and I see Ash's uncomfortable situation as the boy walks with Fez away from the car, "killer peace."  I say and he smiles and continues to watch Fezco.

I have to move more towards Rue because the girl gets in the car with us to sit "10, 20 minutes tops, all right?"  Fezco asks in the window I nod "" Just please stay In The car. "  says Fez "don't worry I'll take care of it."  I say trustworthy.  Ash gets out of the car and I was left alone with two girls. "Hi, Im faye."  says the blonde girl "im Ellie."  I say and smile at her, "Im Rue."  says the brown-haired girl and shakes her hand "how is new years going".  Rue Faye asks "what?"  asks Faye "new years."  I say confused "It's fucking new years?"  asks Fay 'yeah so she has to be very high' 'i belive so.'  says Rue "What?"  Faye asks confused "new years."  I say and I want to laugh so much "I swear my boyfriend doesn't tell me anthing."  says "Oh, He is such a cut."  I say.

Rue tells about how Jules left her but I've heard it so I don't listen and I'm on the phone.

Ellie to Maddy 7:23 PM I'll be there in an hour.
Maddy to Ellie 7:25 PM I'm looking forward to you bitch.

I'll smile at the message

Nate to Ellie 7:25 PM do you want to pick up?
Ellie to Nate 7:25 PM no thank you I'll come with Fezc I'll see you there.
Nate Ellie 7:26 PM I love you.

I didn't have time to reply to the message because someone pulled us out of the car and led us away 'fuck, I'll kill Fez!' I shouted to my conscience.


Wait! You are fezco's sister? {Nate Jacobs}Where stories live. Discover now