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„look, Im Sorry. But I don't give a shit who's fucking who, okay? If you gonna keep talking about it, get out of the room." Says Rue mom „yeah absolutely. You're being an animal..." says Lexi mom „do you wanna go on a walking?" Says Lexi „right now... to my girl." Says Lexi mom.

"I don't even know why you're believing her.  She's drug addict. "  says Cassie and I'm trying to calm her down so I don't hit her "hangman, shut The fuck up!  How long have you been fucking him?! "  I ask Cassie "Rue."  I say and point to her we all look at Rue "When was this?"  I ask "Right After New Year's."  She say and I look at Maddy and we all get it "you dumb fucking bitch.  I'm gonna fuck you !! "  I yell and Cassie runs up the stairs around the Rue "don't fucking ran away from me, you stupid fucking bitch!"  I scream and run after her.

they shout at us but they ignore them and run after her.

I came to her room and she locked herself in the bathroom.  Maddy and Kat run after me "open the fucking door Cassie.  Open the fucking door and tell me it was worth it.  You owe me that. "  I say and knock on the door "Open the fucking door, Cassie!"  I shout "what kind of fucking friend are you?  what the fuck? "  I say and tears begin to flow "this isn't about Nate.  This is about you and me and our friendship and If you wanna throw it away then fine. " 'Cause I don't wanna be fucking friends with you. " I says, resting forehead on the door "come on babe."  says Maddy and strokes me with Kat on the back "I'm just sick of it.  I'm sick of her. "  I say and turn to them and then back "He put me through hell and now he's with my fucking best friend?  Like, what the fuck? "  I say and cry.

"It's fucked up."  says Kat "When is it gonna end?"  I say "It's fucked up."  repeats Kat.  I'm trying to get into Cassie's bathroom again "open the fucking door, Cassie!"  I shout "Open the fucking door!"  but I shout less than before "She's not gonna open it."  says Kat "let's go."  says Maddy "You're fucking coward, Cass."  says Maddy "You're a fucking coward, And I would've never done this to you.  I would've never done this to you. "  I say and another tear runs down my face I turn around and leave.  Maddy and Kat follow me.

I go down the stairs and walk to my purse "Bye, Lexi."  I say and leave the house "Do you want to take home?"  Maddy asks "no thank you I'd love to walk."  I say and wipe my tears "take care of yourself."  says Kat.  I nod and smile slightly.

I'm lying in my bed looking at the ceiling.  I get a message on the phone. 

Maddy to Ellie 3:26 PM Don't you want to sleep with me today? 
Ellie's Maddy 3:26 PM sorry I want to be alone.

I place the phone next to me and turn to my right side and my tears begin to flow again.  Ash came into the room. "Hey, are you okay?" He says and lie down in bed "I don't know."  I say, "Look, you deserve a better boy than Nate was."  he says and I smile "I love you bro."  I say "I love you too."  he says and smiles at me too.


I've been lying down all day and the phone's 'bitch' 'what's up Maddy?'  I say "h-hey."  sobs Maddy.  I sit down quickly and raise my eyebrows "What happened?"  I say "n-n-Nate."  She says "should I come to you?"  I ask "yes."  says and turns off the call.

I quickly put on black leggings and a gray short zip hoodie.  when I came to Maddy I immediately hugged her "what happened?"  I say "Nate was here."  he says and I raise my eyebrows "what did he want?"  I ask and they take her hand "he wanted the DVD.  and he aimed his weapon at me. "  she says, tears streaming down her cheeks "when I said where it was he sat next to me and said it was just fun and the gun wasn't loaded."  he says and cries.  I hug her and she cries in my shoulder "he's such a cut."  I say sadly "will you stay here to sleep please."  he says quietly and I nod in agreement.

Wait! You are fezco's sister? {Nate Jacobs}Where stories live. Discover now