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I ran a lot of time with Nate and I spent a lot of time.  He always took me home after school.  It looked like we could date again, but I don't know if I want to.

Rue introduced me to her new friend Eliot, I won't lie, the boy is hot.

Cassie was acting very strange.  Lexi told me that she gets up every day at 4AM and went painted every day, which didn't happen much. Even 1 day she came as dressed as Maddy.

I spent one day with Rue, Jules and Eliot playing a chest or dare.  The girls have given Eliot the task of going to one of the boys and we'll tell him if he'll fuck with him. We were in one class and watching it from the window.  Eliot walked around the window and bowed to us, I smiled and came to the boy and said something to him. The boy got angry and his whole group ran after him.  we bent down  „Oh shit, Oh shit." Rue repeats and we laughing "maybe he'll survive the last 5 minutes." I say.

Ash is in the shop and Fez is at home we don't go to the store much anymore, rather only one person goes there today Ashtray had to go there.

I'm sitting on the kitchen counter next to Fezco and eating my sandwich.  Rue is here and she wants to offer something to Fez.

"I'm a fucking genius, Fez."  says Rue, leaning on the open refrigerator.  In which Faye is looking for food.  "Is that so?"  Fez asks "it's fucking so because I came up with an amazing fucking plan."  says Rue.  Faye takes the food from the fridge and closes it "and what would that be, Rue."  I ask "all right so.  All you would to do is front me Fez, like $ 5,000 worth of drug right?  And. "  says Rue "Hell the fuck no."  says Fez "okay, well, before you say no, you kind of have to let me finish, right?"  says Rue, trying to convince my brother.  To be honest, I don't like her idea either.

"Hell the fuck no."  Fez repeats "okay why do you keep saying that?"  asks Rue "I didn't like the way that the plan started."  says Fez "okay well, you have to let me finish the fucking plan."  says Rue "no."  says Fez and I smile at their argument and look at Faye and she has the same smile on her face as I do. "Yes, you."  says Rue "hell the fuck no, Rue."  I say "fuck it.  i give up.  whatever.  I'll just take my fucking plan business elsewhere.  It's your fucking loss, man. "  he says he turns his back on us and then "Hell the fuck no."  we say the same with Fez and Rue gets pissed off and leaves.  I go to my room and I wear a black skirt and a black top for school. I'm wearing black boots with a wider, long heel.

I come to school and all the lockers say "are you sick and tired of Oklahoma?"  what the fuck is that?

"Hi bitch and Happy birthday!"  I say and hug Maddy "hi bitch, thanks."  he says and hugs me back "do you have a plan for the weekend?"  Maddy asks, "Well, not really."  I say "great, so we're going tomorow my birthday party at Cassie's 5PM."  says Maddy "okay."  I say and smile.

when my second lesson ended, I went to the bathroom.  I adjusted my makeup.  "Hey Lexi, Hey Rue."  I say when I come to the bathroom and see them standing by the sink "Hey, Ell.  i'd actually love for you read it. "  says Lexi "Lex is looking forward to Oklahoma."  I say "yeah, for sure.  just send it to me. "  Rue says Lexi "Hey Rue-Rue and Ellie."  Cassie says "Hi, Cass."  we say the same with Rue "wait, are you In the play?"  Rue asks and looks at Cass looking like a country music star.

"What play?"  Cass asks "lexis play."  Rue replies "What do you mean, lexis play."  Cassie asks "Oklahoma again."  I say and adjust my lipstick "What?"  Cassie asks "The plays called Oklahoma?"  asks Rue "no The drama clubs doing Oklahoma."  Lexi explains "Oh my god.  do i look like Im In Oklahoma? "  Cass asks in shock "why would your play be set in Oklahoma?"  asks Rue "You thought i was auditioning for Oklahoma?"  Cass asks "I havent read it so."  says Rue and I just watch the whole situation "are you making fun of me, or did you actully think I was auditioning for Oklahoma?"  Cassie asks and Kat comes to the bathroom and Maddy I hug Kat and I go back "what the fuck would you audition for Oklahoma."  says Maddy "no Im not!"  Cass shouts "Then why the fuck do you like youre auditioning for Oklahoma?"  I ask "do i?"  Cass asks "Yes."  Maddy and Kat answer the same "has everyone read Oklahoma But me?"  asks Rue "Oklahomas not like a play you read."  says Kat and Maddy and I are adjusting.

"Rue are you In drugs."  Cass asks "yes."  Rue replies "you relapsed?"  Maddy asks "ive just been smoking a little bit of weed."  says Rue but I know he's lying "wait, I don't understand.  If You're not auditioning for Oklahoma, then why do you look like that? "  Kat asks "like What?"  Cassie asks "like a country music star."  I say "in a good way or bad way?"  says Cass "bitch, you better be joking?"  says Maddy and he's right, "they're okay, Cass."  says Kat and Cassie cried and said nothing. I look at Maddy and Kat confused, "It's not you Cass lately. We're worried about you."  I say and hug her.

I spent the afternoon with Maddy and Cassie watching over Theo.  We lay by the pools.  I was wearing a blue sexy two-piece bikini.

"I think being single's really stressing you out."  says Maddy "yes, it's been true since you're not with McKay."  I say "I don't think so."  Cassie says "i hate it."  says Maddy "yeah me too and I think there's something between me and Nate.  in fact, I was with him yesterday and we fucked together. "  I say and Theo looks at me, "I said I slept."  I say "no she didn't."  says Theo.  Cassie also looks at me, "What do you mean?"  he asks "he invited me to his house yesterday and he actually cooked."  I say and Maddy smiles, "Nate cooked for you?  Ahh has never done this for me, he probably loves you. "  says Maddy and I smile "Do me a favor when you get older, don't be an asshole to girls you like."  says Maddy and I smile is actually right.  therefore Maddy's my big support is right in everything is like Wikipedia but only in "okay" relationships.  agrees theo.

Cassie then left, and I promised Maddy I would stay with her until the evening, "Come on, Theo, we're going to the pool."  I say and jump into the pool and he's right behind me.  Maddy and I talk, and Theo is still in the water, "Theo!  it will be cold in the water after a while. "  Maddy shouts at Theo "Maddy, you're going to be a wonderful mother."  I say and laugh "no you will be better."  says Maddy and hands Theo a towel.

In the evening we put little Theo to bed "ready to go to ber?" Maddy asks, sitting on Theo's bed, "Yes." Theo nods "okay, good night, little man." says maddy and puts a kiss on his forehead "sweet dreams." I say and I also give him a kiss on the forehead.

We sat on the couch in the living room "Do you know what's weird?" I say "what?" Maddy asks, "Nate never had a free Friday, he always went somewhere." I say "that's weird Cassie too." says Maddy with a raised eyebrow and someone rings "what kind of dick is ringing tonight?" I ask and Maddy goes to the door.

"Ellie is for you." says Maddy and smiles. I raise my eyebrows and go to the door. Nate is standing in the doorway with a big flower, I smile and jump around his neck. "Ellie, if you want you can go now, I'll see you tomorrow, yes?" Maddy asks uncertainly "okay, thank you, Bye bitch." I say and smile slightly at her.


"Are you finally free on Friday and you're not going anywhere?" I ask, "I had to arrange something, I'm sorry." he says and I nod. We sit next to him in the truck and I look him in the eye and he also "you're beautiful." he says I blush and kiss him on the lips, my hands are in his hair and he has his hands on my waist and puts me on his lap.

"Now and here in the woods in your truck." I say he'll understand right away and take off my pants and panties. I unbutton his pants and pull out his dick. He breaks into me and I moan and pull his hair. Nate had the biggest dick of my boyfriends.

he grabbed my hips and determined my speed. I kissed him on his pretty lips and he bit my lower lip I moaned more "don't stop." I say and still moan. Nate moans too.

All the adrenaline is flowing through me and I feel like I will be in a moment. Nate adds up to speed and I moan louder and smiles at him, he smiles back at me and my orgasm "fuck." I moan and my legs are shaking. after a while it's Nate's orgasm and I smile "oh my god." Nate moans and kisses me.

Nate will take me home and I'll lie down on my bed, close my eyes and think he has what we did in his truck tonight and bite my lip.


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