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My phone rings in the morning and I'll take it. It's Cassie "Hey?"  I say "hey Ell."  cries Cass "are you crying?"  I ask and sit down on the bed "i- Im not a good person."  crying "what's going on?"  I ask "I don't like what I'm doing."  says "what?"  I ask confused "I have to talk to you on Monday until I have the courage to tell you on Monday."  she cries and I frowns I don't understand at all "okay, just stay cool."  I say "yes don't worry."  says and turns off our call.


I wear a light gray dress that is tight and has thick straps with about three fingers.  to do this, I curl my hair and make makeup with white stones and I put on my silver heels.

I look at the clock and it's 4:52 PM.  I leave the room and Ash is standing by the kitchen "Hey Hey Ell was Cal here yesterday.  he was behind our house watching us. "  says Ash "what?"  I ask, "Yeah, Ash took him in and hit him in the head a few times."  says Fez angrily "what the fuck?"  I say in shock.

"Look, I can't get to Cassie. Fez, could you take me there?"  I say "come on," he says, and we go to his car to sit in the passenger seat.


"Hi bitch then I have to tell you something."  I say Maddy when I hug her "Hi bitch good."  says "Happy birthday."  I say and hand her the bag with the E + M bracelet "I have it too."  I say and show my bracelet "Thank you best."  he says and hugs me one more time.

"Hi kat, Hi Cassie."  I say "Hi Ellie."  they say both.  I look at Cassie suspiciously when I hug her.  then I hug Kat "it suits you."  I say "thank you."  says Kat and smiles "do you have a swimsuit?"  Maddy asks "yes."  we say.  We agreed that we would then go to the hot tub "Nate is coming today?"  Cassie asks, "Yeah, he said Maddy was coming to wish her a birthday."  I say and frown slightly "okay."  he says and drinks his drink quickly.

"So nice girls come to the kitchen.  without Maddy you sit here. "  says Suze and we follow her.  We put candles on the cake and light them, "will you take that cake, Ell?"  asks Suze "of course."  I say and Suze gives me a cake.

Cassie turns off the light and I go with the cake to Maddy's "oh thank you."  says "Happy birthday."  let's tell everyone.  I put the cake on the table and Maddy blows out all the candles.  The girls give presents.

Suze brings glasses and also wine and pours us all "any of you snitches to your partners about this your day at the Howard House are finito burrito."  says Suze and I laugh "never that."  says Maddy and all toasting.

"To my beautiful girls."  says Suze.  we all write from a glass but I noticed Cass isn't here "I have to talk to you."  I whisper Maddy "okay."  he says and walks on with me so no one can hear us.

"Cassie woke me up this morning and cried on my phone."  I say "what?  What did she say?"  Maddy asks, "Well, she'll say he won't tell me until Monday."  He doesn't have the courage to do that yet. "  I say and shrug "it's true that she's been acting very weird lately, I don't know what's wrong with her.  I have been like this since the new year. "  says Maddy.

we hear that someone turned on the music "let's go we won't spoil the mood now."  I say and grab Maddy's hand and we follow the others.  We dance and Suze works and we laugh.  I notice that Kat is out and I go to her "come on lets dance."  I say and Kat nods at the disagreement "whats wrong?"  I ask "come on."  I say and grab her hand and take her to the kitchen.

"whats wrong?"  I ask and Maddy comes to us.  Kat sighs "I like.. can't fucking stand Ethan."  says "I was wondering."  I say "I don't know He's like sweet and like something good finally happens and Im like a million times more miserable."  says Kat uncertainly "well theres a difference between what you think you should want, and what you actully want."  says Maddy "how do I know what I want?"  Kat asks "you don't."  I say "then whats The whole word always Talking about?"  says Kat "people are retarded."  I say and Kat laughs "no seriously.  people are fucking retarded. "  I say "Ellie I don't think you can say that word."  says Kat "this shit is hard And confusing.  The last thing you need is to feel worse because you're not feeling something you're supposed to feel.  You do what feels good to you. "  I say and they both smile "I love you girls."  says Kat "We love you too."  I say "yeah."  says Maddy "you know what would feel good?"  Maddy asks with a smile "What?"  we ask "dancing with me on my birthday."  says Maddy "okay."  says Kat "come on."  I say.

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