Chapter Five - Party Preparations

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Nope. Not today.


I refuse.


"Ugh... Roe... get the alarm!" Maria complained groggily from the top bunk.

I groaned and laboriously rolled over, slapping the trilling clock to silence it. I flopped back onto the mattress and stared at the bottom side of the top bunk. "We have to get an alarm clock that isn't so hellish." Maria grumbled.

"At least it's efficient." I replied simply.

Our chatter must have been heard from the kitchen, because soon Bernardo yelled, "Girls! Breakfast!"


"I hope you two slept well after the late night you pulled..." Bernardo commented when Maria and I reached the kitchen.

"I'm an adult." I said flatly, yawning in the middle of my statement. "I'm only four years younger than you."

"Yes, but you keep Maria up late when you stay out at night. She always waits for you to come home so that she can goof around with you." Bernardo lectured.

I threw my hands up in defeat. "Lo siento." I said.

"Speaking of staying out late," Anita began. "Bernardo has something to ask you."

I looked to Maria, and then Bernardo expectantly.

"There's a party tonight." He said. "And we want you to come."

I perked up. "Really? Why tonight?"

"It's a mixer." Anita said. "Literally."

"Gringos will be there. It's the feds' way of trying to get us to play nice." Bernardo said, dishing eggs and hashbrowns onto Maria and I's plates. "Dancing is the only language everyone in Manhattan can understand."

So, Riff would be there?

"And it might be a good way to get you socializing." Anita said towards me.

Maria looked confused. "What do you mean, 'get her socializing'?" She asked.

Anita eyed Bernardo expectantly. Bernardo sighed. "Why am I always the bringer of bad news?" He grumbled, looking back at Maria and I. "We are... poor."

Maria nodded her head. "Yes, we are aware."

"And Rose could possibly... Help with that." Anita added.

I continued to stare blankly at the pair. Bernardo sighed. "Listen, you and Maria cleaning is very helpful– and we do need the income. But there are better opportunities that Rose can take advantage of." He paused. "Uptown opportunities."

Maria stood. "Absolutamente no! Just because Rose isn't Puerto Rican–"

"She can make much more money this way, Maria." Anita said. "It would help us so much. She could use her privilege for good."

"So you're inviting me tonight so that I can... Get a job?" I asked.

"No, amor, of course not." Anita said. "Tonight is simply a... practice round."

Bernardo cleared his throat. "Naturally you won't be able to dance with the Puerto Ricans–"

"What?" Maria interrupted. "Eso es estúpido! I can't believe this!"

"We are trying to avoid conflict, Maria." Bernardo said. "If the gringos saw her dancing with one of us, violence would break out immediately."

I had remained quiet for most of the conversation. All of these complicated social laws made me wonder something. Why had these three taken me in as a roommate in the first place? Were they so desperate for money that they would take someone like me? Knowing the repercussions? Or did they want to end the divide between the social classes? Part of me was afraid to ask, as if it would make them come to some sort of unaddressed conclusion that I should just leave. I didn't want to leave.

"I'll go." I said. "And I'll apply for a job uptown."

Maria looked at me, betrayed. "Cómo puedes decir esto? You shouldn't have to do that!"

"It's okay, Mare." I said quietly and quickly. For some reason, I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

"It's not that big of a deal, really." Anita said in a lighter tone, "Let's just focus on having fun tonight! I know how much you girls love to dance!"

Maria perked up. "Not as much as you!"

I wore a smile once more, though a part of me deep down was still nervous for the night ahead of me.

. . .

"Can you do my makeup too?"

I looked at Maria. "Bernardo would-"

"Explode." Maria said flatly.


(This is from the Etsy seller happyjoyboutique

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(This is from the Etsy seller happyjoyboutique . It's titled, "1950's Audrey Hepburn Style")

I swept my hands across my skirt and walked to the mirror that sat on the wall. I was wearing a classy black dress with a straight, high neckline and two ties on the shoulders. I quite liked the way it hugged my waist and swam out towards the floor. It was a great dress for dancing. "... Tan Bonita..." Maria mumbled. "I wish I had a more mature dress, like yours. Mine makes me look like a child."

A skeptical hum came from the doorway. Anita walked in sporting a black dress that was a bit longer that mine, with red accents and undertones. She and I both wore lipstick, although her eye makeup was more extravagant than mine. I typically went pretty minimalistic with makeup, even on special occasions. I wanted to be able to really go all out and have people notice one day. Although I never got the chance back in college.

By the time my consciousness checked back in, Anita was wrapping her red belt around Maria's waist. When Anita was finished, Maria wore a grin from ear to ear that she just couldn't shake. She was such a sweetheart. I grabbed my brush and tamed some of the curls I had put in my hair earlier. "You ready?" Anita called from the bathroom. "Chino and Bernardo will be here any second!"

I gave Maria a look. "Stop that!" She said playfully, swatting a hand in my direction. "I don't even think he knows how to dance!"

"Maybe he can do the hokey pokey?"

She glared at me. "I will harm you."

I laughed. She clasped my hand and dragged me out of the room and towards the kitchen, where Bernardo, Chino, and Anita all stood. "Hello, girls." Bernardo said, nudging Chino.

Chino smiled. "Hello Maria." He said.

I cleared my throat. He looked at me, but didn't say anything.

How charismatic.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Anita exclaimed, grabbing Bernardo. "I want to dance!"


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