Chapter Thirty Seven - No Time

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My eyes slowly opened. My hips were the first to ache when I sat up. Then came my throat, when I swallowed. "Riff?" I whispered, eyes adjusting to the dark room.


In all my time with the jets, it had never been silent. There was always yelling, music, stomping, laughter.


It was dark outside, and not because of the storm now. Yes, clouds still swarmed the sky, and rain still pattered on roofs. But now the moon soared above it all, and speckles of stars, if you looked hard enough.

"Oh my god."

I practically fell out of bed, catching myself on the vanity. My legs barked in pain, and I rested a hand against my ass. Bending down to reach my clothes was my next challenge, and I didn't have time to wince as I yanked on my folded garments.

"Riff?" I called out once more, stumbling for the bedroom door.

Movement came from the living room. I twisted the handle.


I wriggled and yanked the brass knob, but the door wouldn't budge. "Hello?" I shouted.

That bastard. He left for the rumble and locked me in, so that I couldn't follow.

He knew I was still going to try and stop the fight.

I threw my shoulder into the door aimlessly. He locked me in? He didn't even say goodbye.

In a dazed panic, I leaned against the wood. My promise to Maria was good as dirt now, but I was worried about more than that. Riff was wonderful, beautiful, but reckless. He was so proud. What would he do to win this fight?

Before I could sit on the thought, the door creaked.

And it opened.

Waiting on the other side was Tony. A hunched, weak, trembling Tony. And beside him was Squinty. Cash. As if he knew the situation, he sat nervously, the whites of his eyes showing.

"He told me to leave you in there, but I knew that you'd just break the door down."

I scoffed, reached out, and hugged Tony. Squinty whined. Immediately feeling the sway in the tall boy's balance, I led him back to the couch. He dropped down with a groan.

"How long have they been gone?" I asked.

"At least since I woke up—-half hour ago now."

"Why didn't you come and wake me?" It was sharper than I intended.

"Why would I?" He asked, and it sunk in that I was possibly the only jet that was against the rumble. "You was asleep, and naked, I think..."

"I just—" I swallowed down any flush on my cheeks. "He didn't say goodbye, is all."

Tony shrugged. "Well Riff ain't too good at goodbyes."

There was a beat of silence. If I thought about those words for too long, I'd do something stupid, like cry. "So, where is this rumble, anyway?" I asked.

"Why, you wanna take my place and fight?" Tony laughed to himself. "No wonder you got locked up."

"Tell me."

"It could be dangerous, even with friends on both sides-"

"Tony, it's important."

No reply. I grew desperate. "It's about Maria."

His eyes grew the size of dinner plates. Thrashing, he tried to sit up. "I'm going." He said.

"No—no! It's not, hey sit down!" I put my hands on his shoulders. "She's fine, but I made a promise to her. You might be out of harm's way, but her brother isn't."

He still seemed unsure, but deflated back into the sofa. "There's an abandoned church in No Man's Land. That's where we were supposed to meet come midnight."

"And what time is it now?"

Tony looked at his wristwatch, but it was shaking so much, I felt bad for asking.


Authors note: :0

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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